Monday, October 21, 2019

sociology in pakistan Essay Example

sociology in pakistan Essay Example sociology in pakistan Essay sociology in pakistan Essay Group Names:ubedullah , Usaid Anwar Salman , Sheraz Ahmed , Ubaid Rehman Report:Sociology Report No. 1. Report Subject (topic): Religion Politics in Pakistan Submitted To: Sir Qamar Abbas Dated: 28-Nov-2013 International Islamic University Islamabad Content Definition of Religion Definition of Politics History of Religion History of Politics Analysis (Religion Politics) Suggestion Conclusion Dennltlon 0T Rellglon Religion: Religion means to give up or follow rules regulations which are given. The belief in a god or in a group of gods. An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules sed to worship a god or a group of gods, an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group. Personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices Religion consequences in Pakistan: Pakistan is that country which is made up or established on basis of religion percepts because as we know that MOTO of Pakistan is LA ILLAH IL-ALLAH MOHAMMAD-UR- RASOOLALLAH and Pakistan contains its full name as Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Although there are many religions in Pakistan but all religions have equal rights, all are respected in brotherhood. Majority Islam: Muslims 97% (sunni 77%, Shia 20%) Minorities Christianity, Hinduism, Parss and others 3% (Christians are the largest minority group) Politics: Concept of Politics is to have rules regulations on which basis nation can lead peaceful life. Politics is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a civic or individual level. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance and organized control over a human community, particularly a state. A variety of methods are employed in politics, which include promoting its own political iews among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries. Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels, from clans and tribes of traditional societies, through modern local governments, companies and institutions up to sovereign states, to international level. A political system is a framework which defines acceptable political methods within a given society. History of political thought can be traced back to early antiquity, with seminal works such as Platos Republic, Aristotles Politics and opus of Confucius. History of Religion in Pakistan Islam: Islam Is tne state rellglon 0T PaKlstan, ana aoout Y5-YB% 0T PaKlstanls are Musllms. Islam is the largest and the state religion of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which has a population of about 190,291 , 129. The majority (95-97%) of the Pakistani people are Muslim while the remaining 3-5% are Christian, Hindu, and others. Sunnis are the majority while the Shias make up between 5-20%of the total Muslim population of the country. Pakistan has the second largest number of Shias after Iran, which numbers between 16. 5 million to as high as 30 million Hinduism: Hinduism the second largest religion in Pakistan accounting for 1. 85% of the population. The Last population census divided the population into 1. 6% Hindu Jati and 0. 25% Scheduled castes. Punjab province of modern day Pakistan on the banks of Indus river around 1500 BCE and spread from there across South and South East Asia slowly developing and evolving into the various forms of the faith we see today. Although no population census recording religious affiliation has taken place since 1998, if the numbers are extrapolated then Hindus would account for around 3 to 3. 5 illion people today. According to the last census held in 1998, 93% of Hindus live inSindh, 5% in Punjab and nearly 2% in Balochistan. Christianity: Christianity make up 1. 6% of Pakistans population, about 2. 8 million people out of a total population. The majority of the Pakistani Christian communities is constituted by converts from the Hindus and Muslims from Punjab region, from the British colonial era. Bah? ¤i: The Bah? ¤i Faith in Pakistan begins previous to its independence when it was still under British colonial rule. The roots of the religion in the region go back to the first ays of the B? ¤bi religion in 1844. Sikhism: There are a number of Sikhs living throughout Pakistan today, about 20,000. Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism is believed to have been a major religion in the region of Pakistan from the time it was part of the Persian Achemenid empire. There are at least 4,000 Pakistani citizen practicing the Zoroastrian religion. Kalash: This is pagan religion of the Kalash people living in a remote part of Chitral, about 3,000. Buddhism: Buddhism has an ancient history in Pakistan, currently there is a small community of at least 1500 Pakistani Buddhist in the country. Judaism: There is no evidence that there are any Jews Various estimates suggest that there were about 1,500 Jews living in Pakistan at the time of its independence on 14 August 1947. History of Politics in Pakistan In 1947 Pakistan becomes member of UN by a unanimous vote of the Security Council. In 1949 Constituent Assembly of Pakistan adopts Objectives Resolution, as a guide to future constitution modeled on the ideology of Islam. in 1954 approved the National Anthem, written by Abul Hafeez Jlundhri. In1956 on February 21 Constituent AssemDly aec10es tne country snall De a reaeral RepuDllc Known as Islamic RepuDllc f Pakistan. In 1958 on October 7Martial Law is declared throughout the country. In 1960 on February 24 Presidential Cabinet decides to name the new Capital as Islamabad. In 1962 Constitution is promulgated, Gen: Ayub became first President. Than after Zulfiquar Bhutto became president East Pakistan became separate. After Zulfiquar Bhutto, Gen: zia-ul-haq became president. After 1985, Pakistan govt. came under into civilian people, Benazir Bhutto, Mian Nawaz Sharif after them Pervaiz Musharraf became president. Then after President Asif Ali Zardari became resident now Mamnoon Hussain Analysis (Religion Politics) Religious Analysis: If we look upon religious point of Pakistan, our country was established due to religious basis. But now a days we have forgotten religion aspects but want to live luxuries lives. When we are in trouble then we say We are unlucky or our politics is corrupt but we never see inside ourselves that what we are? Political Analysis: Politics was made for nation but now adays politics is Just played as a game in which nation is used as a ball. The leader which is selected that does not think for etterment of nation but Just thinks that what will happen of mine after 5 years. Within term of 5 years he makes his future savings. When any government is selected for term of 5 years, it leads nation as they want, they never ask during his leading days from nation. Just moves on. Politicians Just beg from nation for sake of votes during voting days. Suggestion: According to my point of view. First of all there should be rules regulations of religious points aspects. In politics there should be religious scholars which are to be selected by nation. Ministers of all departments should be selected by ation. Removing foreign policies languages, our national language should preferred more. Islamic histories at lower classes should be published for children. Should be focused and must be given first priority to the religious points. Conclusion Religious Overview: We do not think or we donot remember that for what purpose we are made for. We have forgotten our reality thats why we are blessed with curse of such tensions from them we never get peace. All time after having everything we donot lead peaceful life its all due because we are away from religion. Politics Overview: I believe that as you sow, so shall you reap. So as we are ourselves thats why we are blessed with such type of politics because we never try to be independent but totally depend upon our government. But in other countries government depend upon nation its all due to nations unity. Their nation is not divided into any group or any tribe on basis of religious or race basis. When they feel any type of missing they become united and make crisis but in our country no crisis, no unity, no united natlon, so no peace, no government! THE END! KEEP SMILING!

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