Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Personal Metaphors Essay

If I were a building, I would be a Skyscraper. The reason is that skyscrapers are tall, strong, and unique. I am tall, strong and unique. I am not only strong physically, but also emotionally, which means that when im having a bad day, I don’t cry about it, I suck it up and go on with my day. So, if I were to be a building, I would be one of the amazing skyscrapers. Song â€Å"Skyscraper,† a song by Demi Lovato, is so empowering and it helps young people to stand up to bullies. I love to help people overcome their fears and issues. I also like to see young people who are strong and empowering. A few lyrics from the song are; â€Å"Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper†¦Ã¢â‚¬  So if you’re trying to put me down, it’s going to be a long shot for you because I am going to stand tall like a skyscraper. Animal If I were an animal, I would be a skyscraper. A lioness is brave, wise, strong and daring. I’m not scared of anything or anyone but God. I also stand up to people when they are being rude, which makes me brave. Strength doesn’t mean your physical abilities. I am not only physical but emotionally strong. I also take risks and I am never afraid to tell you what I feel. Wouldn’t I be a great lioness? Cartoon Character If I were a cartoon character, I would be Dora the Explorer. Dora is helpful, honest, intelligent, kind, smart, caring, social, and creative and she loves going on adventures. I love helping people making me helpful. I don’t tell lies because one lie leads to another lie. I like making new friends and caring for them. When I go to new places, I put a star on the place I visit on the world map. When I help my family, friends, and even people that I don’t know, it makes me happy. I think that I make a great Dora. Day of the week I would be Sunday if I were a day of the week. Sunday is a day that most people look forward to. It’s a day of relaxation, worshipping, and for kids, just having some fun. I like relaxing and just having some time for myself. God is the reason that I am here and I think that I owe him some time to express my appreciation and gratefulness. I’m a teenager and I love having fun. Fun is the number one way to go through a person’s childhood. I think that Sunday would be the best day for me to be.

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