Thursday, October 31, 2019

Language Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Language Development - Essay Example involved in language development, role of education in facilitating language development, impact of brain Injury on loss of language, historical and contemporary theories of language learning, as well as the social influences on cognition and language in psychology. The significance and relevance of language as an inevitable means of communication has and continues to be a topic of interest facilitating widespread interest among researchers. Language pervades almost all essential human activities, from an infant’s initial conversations to activities requiring directing, expanding, and influencing actions, to amending information, generating awareness and stimulating emotions. In the field of education, language involves an additional element that of facilitating documentation of individual experience with a view to communicating and transforming such stored information to others. It also offers a source of reproducing such experience for developing new ideas and concepts which may be useful for facilitating enhanced communication of information and knowledge among individuals. In this sense, language development is essentially a fundamental medium of literature and linguistic studies. Language acquisition is essential for every human being in order to continue his/her life in a social set up. We acquire language through various types such as pre-schooling language education, schooling language education, social interaction, social influence, cultural settings and much more. The importance of language in our day to day activities cannot be negated as it is exclusively integral to our existence as a social being (Villers and Villers, 1978). Human beings start learning language from the day of their birth and continue learning till the end of their lives (Scovel, 1988). The process of language acquisition continues from the start to the end due to which, it can be said that education and instruction plays a crucial role in facilitating us with the knowledge of

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Home Front Letter Essay Example for Free

The Home Front Letter Essay How have you been? This War has everyone really going. The War will be over in a matter of months and our lives will back to normal. However, I am quite annoyed, just like most of my neighbours and colleagues, about the DORA. It has restricted the way we live. For example, we can no longer feed the dog. The news these days is just totally intolerable. Most of the news has to be censored, so how is one supposed to find out what is going on around the country. Those Germans are hated by every single Briton in this country. You should see some of the things they do. There are posters of Germans killing innocent babies and children for fun and raping women. It is just so inhuman. Recently, they have started sending in huge airships and bombing many of the large cities, including London. This has just got to end some time soon! My son, George, has also joined the army. My family and I are so proud of him. I feel that he will make a big difference to the war, just like the many other men that have joined. This whole war will blow over in the next few months. I dont think those Germans will last long at all. Take care of yourself. Yours sincerely, John.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson When a leading American Management consultant (Ken Blanchard) and a psychologist (Spencer Johnson) decided to get together to write a book on management the result could be a learner tome which is incomprehensible to many of those for whom its message is intended. Authors avoid the pitfall and have produced a simple complication of what they have learned how people work best with other people. Contrary to this idea that the age and services are the best possible qualification to manage the people, The One Minute Manager explodes the myth that the ability to manage ones own behavior and attitudes is an essential prerequisite to managing other people. The One Minute Manager provides Managers, an insight on how to be more effective in communication within their teams and with external interests. This book ensures that productivity (Quantity + Quality) of each individual as well as that of the organization increases multi folds if we make an organization people oriented rather than resul t oriented. People will feel good in People Oriented Organizations and ensure the involvement in the product / services they provide. Usefulness to intended audience: This book proved very useful in any area where one has to interact with peoples especially for the administration and H.R department of the any organization as it address the key areas where most of the managers and management of an organization lack. Managing people is a fun and this book provides an opportunity by motivating the intended audience in a very short, simple way to manage people in One Minute with specific examples from daily life. Simple and practical ideas may cause profaned difference on ones management skills. After reading this book one surely gets a chance to become an effective manager by adopting and practicing three secrets of The One Minute Manager. Introduction The Best Minute I Spend Is the One I Invest In People About book The One Minute Manager is one of the best selling business books of all time and still make appearance Amazons list of Best -Selling business books. Very busy people as its target audiences it is designed to be read quickly. This is the symbolic book. The One Minute Managers symbol-a one minute readout from the face of a modern digital watch- is intended to remind each of us to take a minute out of our day to look into the faces of the people whom we manage and to realize that they are our most important resources. An easily-read story, demonstrates three very practical management techniques. As the story unfolds, it discovers why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people. By the end of this one will also know how to apply them to ones own situation. Authors Dr. Kenneth Blanchard Dr. Kenneth Blanchard Chairman of Blanchard Training and Development, Inc. (BTD), is an internationally known author, educator and consultant/trainer. He is the co-author of the highly acclaimed and most widely used text on leadership and organization behavior, Management of Organization Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources, which is in its fourth edition and has been translated into numerous languages. Dr. Blanchard received his B. A. from Cornell University in Government and Philosophy, an M.A. from Colgate University in Sociology and Counseling and a Ph.D. from Cornell in Administration and Management. In addition, he is a member of the National Training Laboratories (NTL).He has extensive leadership experience as business executive and as a military officer. He has been a hands-on leader in a variety of organizations large and small. Most recently he was a human resources executive for a Fortune 100 company. His book Victory Principles, Leadership Lessons from D-Day illustrates seven bedrock leadership principles that all successful leaders use. He presently serves as a professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Books by author Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing the human resources (with Paul Hersey). Organizational Change through Effective Leadership: (with Robert H. Guest and Paul Hersey). The family game: a situational approach to effective parenting (with Paul Hersey). Putting the One Minute Manager to Work: (with Robert Lorber, Ph.D.) Dr. Spencer Johnson Dr Spencer Johnson is the Chairman of Candle Communications Corporation, and an active author, publisher, lecturer and communications consultant. He has written more than a dozen books dealing with medicine and psychology, and has over three million copies of his books in print. Dr. Johnsons education includes a degree in psychology from the University of Southern California, an M.D. degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and medical clerkships at Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic. Books by author The one minute father The one minute mother The precious present Who moved my cheese Summary of the book Overall story Authors Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson use a parable style story to describe the plight of a young manager who is not having success; however, he hears about a successful manager who is so effective that he has time to spare He wanted to work for one. He wanted to become one. He was beginning to see the full spectrum of how people manage people. But he wasnt always pleased with what he saw. He had spoken with many managers. He saw that some managers are interested in results and some are interested in people. Its like being half a manager, he thought. He might have given up his search long ago, but he had one great advantage. He knew exactly what he was looking for. Effective managers, he thought, manage themselves and the people they work with so that both the organization and the people profit from their presence. Then he began hearing marvelous stories about a special manager who lived, ironically, in a nearby town. The young manager calls him up to find out what he can learn, and the successful One Minute Manager shares with him three secrets to his success. The young man excitedly explores his three secrets and adopts these secrets and himself became famous as One Minute Manager. Key points: In the One Minute Manager, there are three types of managers. Autocratic Manager They are rigid demanding They are decision maker They are only interested in results. They always keep on top of the situation They are hard-nosed, profit minded individuals Their organizations seemed to win while they lose people Democratic Manager They are participative, supportive and nice individuals They want to be more close to their subordinates They give more importance to people than results They are friendly with staff They are trusting nurturing Effective Managers Effective managers, manage themselves and the people they work with so that both the people and the organization profit from their presence. Effective managers believe in that People Who Feel Good about Themselves Produce Good Results. The One Minute Manager doesnt make decisions for others; rather encourage them to take their own decisions. One Minute Manager: One minute manager is an effective manager who value people and take keen interest in the welfare of people or his staff. He doesnt believe in hiring the winners. He believes to train them and make them winners by themselves. He has three secrets of his One Minute Management which he shares with the young man (who came to him). These three secrets are: One Minute Goal setting One Minute Praising One Minute Reprimand The First Secret: ONE MINUTE GOALS Setting The foundation for One Minute Management 80-20 goal-setting rule Behavioral terms (observable, measurable) Versus Complaining (attitudes or feelings) Summary Agree on your goals. Write out each of your goals on a single sheet of paper using less than 250 words 80% of really important results will come from 20% of your goals. So its important to do One Minute Goal Setting on that 20%. Read and re-read each goal, which requires one minute or so each time when ones do it. See what good behavior looks like Take a minute every once in a while out of day to look at your performance, and see whether or not your behavior matches your goal. The Second Secret: One Minute Praising How to handle when people do well Try to catch them doing something right Crystal-clear feedback; Tell precisely what was right Close contact Habit: To catch yourself doing things right People who feel good about themselves produce good results Summary Tell people right from the start that you are going to let them know how they are doing. Praise people immediately. Dont wait for the praise discussion to praise them Tell people what they did right, be specific Tell people how good you feel about what they did right, and how it helps the organization and the other people who work there. Stop for a moment of silence to let them feel how good you feel. Encourage them to do more of the same Shake hands or touch people in a way that makes it clear that you support their success in the organization. The Third Secret: One Minute Reprimands How to handle when people make mistakes Reprimand as soon as something wrong is done Specify exactly what was wrong Dont attack anyone as a person Be consistent Summary: Two parts of one minute reprimand: The first half of the reprimand The second half of the reprimand The first half of the reprimand Reprimand people immediately Tell people what they did wrong be specific. Tell people how you feel about what they did wrong and in no uncertain terms. Stop for a few seconds of uncomfortable silence to let them feel how you feel The second half of the reprimand: Shake hands, or touch them in a way that lets them know your are honest on their side. Remind them how much you value them. Reaffirm that you think well of them but not of their performance in this situation Realize that when the reprimand is over, its over. Overall Game Plan of One Minute Manager: Analysis of Book The One Minute Manager: Its very important to analyze that how the content of this book is affecting the different aspects of intended audience. So in the analysis, focus will be on the good points of the content of the book. After knowing the three secrets of One Minute Manager its important to know how these secrets work and benefited the managers and everyone who manages the peoples. The One Minute Manager doesnt mean that One should do all work in One minute. This is allegory use for quick and clear response to people about their behavior. As a manager you have only three choices. First: You can hire winners, they are hard to find. For winners One Minute Goal Setting is enough for productive behavior. Because they are experts of their fields and they try to achieve according to their abilities. Second: If you cant hire the winners, hire someone who has potential of winners. For the people who have potential to win, One Minute praising is enough, as you praise them they get more motivated and feel good with themselves and next time they try to do it better. By doing one minute praising they become winners. Third: If you cant do above two choices, then you have only one choice, prayer. Why One Minute Goals Work: Every one is a potential winner Some People are disguised as Losers; dont let their Appearance fool you The pinball game Explanation: The One Minute Goal Setting work because of all the people in any organization is willing and motivated to do some thing and they become more motivated after work. Nobody ever work for anybody else. For example, if you are on the playing field and you are striking the ball to the pins. And when you strike, you started screaming and get more motivated to strike again. This is the same as we do the One Minute Goal Setting. When you know, what are you going to do and how then you are more confident about your task. And you are motivated to do it again until you become expert in striking the pins. You can analyze yourself by reviewing your goals. When you assume that people know whats expected from them, you are creating confusion and over-rating them. This happened all the time in our daily life, in our relations and doing our daily work routines. So One Minute Goal Setting is very important step in becoming the One Minute Manager. And when you feel that your performance is not up-to- the mark, go back to your goals and again spend One Minute to set your goal again. Why One Minute Praising Work: Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions People will go so far for money, however will go the Extra mile for praise and recognition Sea aquarium shows a huge whale jumping over a rope which is high above the water. Explanation: When the trainers captured the whale, the whale knew nothing about jumping over ropes. So when they began to train the whale in the large pool, they started the rope from the bottom of the pool. Every time the whale swam over the rope-which was every time he swam past-whale got fed. Soon, trainers raised the rope a little. If the whale swam under the rope, he didnt get fed during training. Whenever he swam over the rope, he got fed. So after a while the whale started swimming over the rope all of the time. Then they started raising the rope a little higher. But the question is why they raise the rope. Because they are clear on the goal: to have the whale jump high out of the water and over the rope. Over a time they keep on raising the rope until they finally get it to the surface of the water. Now the great whale knows that in order to get fed, he has to jump partially out of the water and over the rope. As soon as that goal is reached, they can start raising the rope h igher and higher out of the water. So for whales, to get food is One Minute Praising. And by jumping again and again the whale become expert for high dive. Catch freshers doing things right and slowly raise their bar This example illustrates that the most important thing in training someone to become a winner is to catch them doing something right. Slowly, you keep moving them towards the desired behavior. It can be done with childrens and as well as with new staff. Why One Minute Reprimands Work: We are not just our behaviors We are the persons managing our behaviors Monthly feedback Explanation: The feedback as One Minute Reprimand is very important. That is, you get to the individual as soon as you observe the misbehavior or your data information system tips you off. It is not appropriate to save up negative feelings about someones poor performance. The fact that the feedback is so immediate is an important lesson in why the One Minute Reprimand works so well. Most managers are gunnysack discipliners. That is, they store up observations of poor behavior and then some day when performance review comes or they are angry in general because the sack is so full, they charge in and dump everything on the table. They tell people all the things they have done wrong for the last few weeks or months or more. went on, and then the manager and subordinate usually end up yelling at each other about the facts or simply keeping quiet and resenting each other. The person receiving the feedback doesnt really hear what he or she has done wrong. After genuine reprimand a centric praise is needed So, One Minute Reprimand is very important because they are chances of improvement in their performances or people. The purpose of One Minute reprimand is to ensure the people that you want to eliminate the wrong behavior and keep the person. When the peoples know their value in an organization, they give their best to that organization and dont repeat the same behavior again. Reaffirm that you think well of them but not of their performance in this situation. Your intent is to get them back on course, not to try to make them feel badly. Behaviors are not important what is really important is the person managing their own behavior. To becoming One Minute Manager you have to be Tough and Nice manager rather than Nice and Tough manager Discussion: Now-days it is wrong with the most organizations that their people do not produce-either quality or quantity. And the main reason of this poor performance is simply because the peoples are not managed properly. The feeling of importance, psychologically satisfy peoples and motivates them to give the best. This One Minute Manager is very much similar to the theory of behaviorism (psychology), in which main focus on the change in the behaviors by setting task, praising the good and punishing/pointing the wrong behaviors. The One Minute Manager may help you to go beyond for better results, you will have to learn and use other beneficial habits as well. These are simple and easy-to-use basic management skills; however, many managers dont use them. Like any other skill, it takes practice in the beginning. Once you use these skills, then they will become second nature. If you are not using the One Minute Managers secrets, try them out and see how you can make them work for yourself and your team. If you do them well, you too can become an effective One Minute Manager. The One Minute Manager is a remarkably simple system to learn and apply and will help you improve employee performance. The One Minute Manager is a happy manager because of following reasons: Peace of Mind Reduce Stress Levels Increase Productivity Criticism of the Book One Minute Manager and Change: The rapidity of change that is taking place in the social, political and economics environment is creating a marked impact on organizations as well as individual. K.Harigopal One Minute Manager may be proved very effective at the time of change. No organization is stable today. Globalization makes the Business and organizations doubtful and undeceive. And the most effected part of any organizations due to change is the HR department. If there is any type of change weather it is a behavioral change, no matter its internal and external, rather to hire the people from outside to cope with change, managers should have vision of One Minute Manager. People are afraid and conscious about change. They dont tolerate any type of changes in their circumstances, so as a One Minute Manager you can manage your staff very simply by setting their goals and addressing their behavior. You can train staff and develop vision of change in them. Being a One Minute Manager you dont need to tell your staff to set one minute goal which is a very important target in any type of change in the organization. Similarly The One Minute Praising and The One Minute reprimand alerts people and motivate them to adopt and face the change. This book lacks one important point which is about managers him/her self. It is not possible that every time manager is right, his vision is broad and he understands each and every thing. He can make mistakes. So as managers, having powers you have to take right decisions at right times. This book deals with very simple approach to the complex art of managing people. There is much more to management than the one minute manager, depending on the culture and decorum of the organization.ÂÂ   You cant learn to manage people by reading a book but you can get an idea how to manage This book is full of implications for managers. But the focus has been on one minute. When every process is reduced to one minute, it leads to over simplification of the process which a manager has to undertake. It has ignored the dual role that a manager performs in structured organization where there are both subordinates and seniors. No doubt this is the effective book on One Minute Manager but it doesnt deal with the complexities of the organizations as the organizations and behaviors are more complex as discussed in this book. Key Message of the book Too many organizations leave employees uncertain over what is expected of them and provide little feedback until the annual review. At that time a series of criticisms are laid out with smattering the praise but neither the manager nor employee can remember the details. At other times, managers are quick to blame employees for things going wrong and will criticize in a way that leaves the employee resenting the way he or she has been treated by the manager. The One Minute Manager boils management down to three actions goal setting, praising and reprimands on the basis that clear objectives and quick, accurate feedback are the basis for improved performance. After reading the one minute manager you will not become a autocrat and democrat manager, but you try to become an effective manager. Conclusion An eye opener for many indeed A measurement of a good leader is ability to develop other leaders, not followers. In todays world, many new supervisors are thrust into a baptism by fire management environment. I found this book to be an easy to read and arm newcomers to management with the basic tools for building worker relationships and getting the best out of their staffs. As a result, their efforts are guided into decisions that generate increasingly positive outcomes in uncomfortable situations. Self confidence builds and leadership/management styles improve. This book talks of empowering people and giving them onus of their lives through applications of various principles of human relations and communications. It will make your feel that you are a better manager because you have become proactive rather than reactive. You are setting goals and providing quick feedback on performance whether good or bad. The secrets of one-minute management will help a manager boost profits and productivity immediately through increases employee morale, job satisfaction and manage people in time of change. Unlike most business books, this one is short and easy to read. The academic language has been banished, and it is well written. For any person who is currently a manager and striving to get the most from people, or who is planning to become one in the near future, The One Minute Manager is an indispensable success tool. After knowing the secrets of One Minute Manager; you can also become a One Minute Manager. Goals beings behaviors, consequences maintain behaviors Now you are a new One Minute Manager, You can set One Minute You can give One Minute Praising You can give One Minute Reprimands You can also speak the simple truth You can laugh and you can enjoy your work.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparing Franz Kafka and Gregor Samsa in The Metamorphosis Essay

Similarities between Franz Kafka and Gregor Samsa in The Metamorphosis It is unusual to say the least to open a book and the first line is about the main character waking up as a large insect. Most authors’ use symbolism to relate the theme of their work, not Franz Kafka. He uses a writing method that voids all aspects and elements of the story that defy interpretation. In doing this, he leaves a simple story that stands only for an objective view for his own thoughts and dreams. Kafka focuses the readers’ attention on a single character that symbolizes himself and his life, not Everyman as some authors do. This method is displayed in most of his literary works. To understand how this method is recognized, readers must study the author’s background during the period of writing and basic history to understand this author’s motive. In his short story, â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, there are multiple similarities between Kafka’s true life and Gregor Samsa’s. Before the similarities are displayed, the justifications behind this premise are as follows. Kafka’s works demonstrates the use of a self-nulling reference system in order to void possibilities of critics attempting to use hermeneutics (Thiher, 50). Hermeneutics is the methodology of interpretation. Examples of this method can be found throughout the story in the use of the realistic and unrealistic elements intertwined in different situations. â€Å"Kafka’s Metamorphosis validates contradictory readings that cancel coherent interpretation,† is a quote by confirmed critic Gavriel Ben-Ephraim(451). A specific example can be located in Part I, when Gregor attempts to rise from bed and fails. He thinks to himself, â€Å"What a job I’ve chosen.† In truth, he did not h... ..., Gavriel. â€Å"Making and Breaking Meaning: Deconstruction, Four-level Allegory and The Metamorphosis.† Midwest Quarterly. 35 (1994): 450-67. Sources Consulted â€Å"Franz Kafka/The Metamorphosis.† Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database. Corngold, Stanley, ed. Oct. 2002.New York U. 21 Oct. 2002. . â€Å"Biography/Franz Kafka.† Literature Research Center. 2002. Thomas Gale Group. 21 Oct. 2002. . Goodwin, Evan. â€Å"little blue light-Franz Kafka.† little blue light. 6 May 2002. 13 November 2002. . Stephens, J. â€Å"Franz Kafka’s personal life reflected in the Metamorphosis† The Kafka Project. 1999-2002. 13 November 2002. . Comparing Franz Kafka and Gregor Samsa in The Metamorphosis Essay Similarities between Franz Kafka and Gregor Samsa in The Metamorphosis It is unusual to say the least to open a book and the first line is about the main character waking up as a large insect. Most authors’ use symbolism to relate the theme of their work, not Franz Kafka. He uses a writing method that voids all aspects and elements of the story that defy interpretation. In doing this, he leaves a simple story that stands only for an objective view for his own thoughts and dreams. Kafka focuses the readers’ attention on a single character that symbolizes himself and his life, not Everyman as some authors do. This method is displayed in most of his literary works. To understand how this method is recognized, readers must study the author’s background during the period of writing and basic history to understand this author’s motive. In his short story, â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, there are multiple similarities between Kafka’s true life and Gregor Samsa’s. Before the similarities are displayed, the justifications behind this premise are as follows. Kafka’s works demonstrates the use of a self-nulling reference system in order to void possibilities of critics attempting to use hermeneutics (Thiher, 50). Hermeneutics is the methodology of interpretation. Examples of this method can be found throughout the story in the use of the realistic and unrealistic elements intertwined in different situations. â€Å"Kafka’s Metamorphosis validates contradictory readings that cancel coherent interpretation,† is a quote by confirmed critic Gavriel Ben-Ephraim(451). A specific example can be located in Part I, when Gregor attempts to rise from bed and fails. He thinks to himself, â€Å"What a job I’ve chosen.† In truth, he did not h... ..., Gavriel. â€Å"Making and Breaking Meaning: Deconstruction, Four-level Allegory and The Metamorphosis.† Midwest Quarterly. 35 (1994): 450-67. Sources Consulted â€Å"Franz Kafka/The Metamorphosis.† Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database. Corngold, Stanley, ed. Oct. 2002.New York U. 21 Oct. 2002. . â€Å"Biography/Franz Kafka.† Literature Research Center. 2002. Thomas Gale Group. 21 Oct. 2002. . Goodwin, Evan. â€Å"little blue light-Franz Kafka.† little blue light. 6 May 2002. 13 November 2002. . Stephens, J. â€Å"Franz Kafka’s personal life reflected in the Metamorphosis† The Kafka Project. 1999-2002. 13 November 2002. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparative and Contrast

Compare and contrast essay How far will you go for the person that you love? This is the question that most mates want to know before they go further with their partner. Different people have different answers and reasons for this question. Even between cupid and psyche & Orpheus and Eurydice. These two Greek stories have the same topic, which is â€Å"how far will you go for the person that you love†.These love stories are different in terms of theme until the story itself. These two stories are actually easy to understand but they have similarities and differences between them. First lets discuss about similarities; they are both a story about love and also how much they love their partner and how far would they go for the person that they love, even if the way how to get back their partner is different but the main topic of the story is still the same.They did several things to get their partners back, even if in the end of the story is not always them living in the wor ld but still in the end of these stories they went back together. The person who’s trying to get back their partner in these stories also get second chances in completing their journey, they both failed because of curiosity. Both of them are so impatient and curious so that’s the reason why they fail. Even if there’s a lot of similarities already but there are also differences in this story.Psyche was so curious and that she opened the beauty secret box and by that it made her work wasted, she wasn’t able to give back the box to Aphrodite so she failed while in the other tory Orpheus was able to get Eurydice back but then he was so impatient and curious if Eurydice is still with her or not so she looked back and then Eurydice was sent back to the underworld. There are different gods who impact the story, in the story cupid and psyche Aphrodite is the one who impact the story but in the story Orpheus and Eurydice Hades and Persephone are the two gods who i s included.But above all the way how they get back their partner is the sweetest in the first story Aphrodite gave a lot of things for psyche to do and she really did everything to get cupid back while Orpheus went to the underworld to get Eurydice back, these two jobs that they did is very tiring and it needs a lot of efforts but they still do it for their partners just to get them back. Between the two stories, it shows how some people actually care so much about their partner and even the would do the hardest job that could be possible just to get them back.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Los Dreamers y su situación migratoria especial

Los Dreamers y su situacià ³n migratoria especial Uno de los asuntos ms debatidos en materia migratoria es el futuro de los muchachos  denominados Dreamers o soà ±adores. Pero,  ¿quià ©nes son estos jà ³venes y quà © derechos migratorios tienen y cules son los proyectos de ley? Adems, se explica cules son los efectos y las fechas a tener en cuenta con la decisià ³n del presidente Trump de poner fin al programa DACA y cules son las bases de la demanda presentada por 15 estados para paralizar en corte la decisià ³n del gobierno federal. Situacià ³n legal actual El 5 de septiembre de 2017 el Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos, el seà ±or Jeff Sessions, ha anunciado el fin del programa conocido como Accià ³n Diferida o DACA que protegà ­a a los Dreamers frente a la Deportacià ³n y les reconocà ­a la posibilidad de sacar un permiso de trabajo renovable cada 2 aà ±os. Esta proteccià ³n fue creada por orden ejecutiva del presidente Barack Obama en 2012 y que en 5 aà ±os protegià ³ a ms de 800 mil jà ³venes de la deportacià ³n, adems de permitirles otros alivios. El anuncio del seà ±or Sessions NO supone el fin inmediato de DACA, sino que: El programa finalizar con fecha de 5 de marzo de 2018. Mientras tanto, los permisos de trabajo siguen vlidos y los Dreamers con Accià ³n Diferida aprobada estn protegidos frente a posible deportacià ³n.Desde ya NO se admiten solicitudes nuevas para acogerse a este programaSi se tiene  DACA aprobada  y  expira antes del 5 de marzo del 2018 o ese dà ­a, entonces se puede pedir una renovacià ³n, aunque hacerlo antes del 5 de octubre de 2017.Los permisos de trabajo y la proteccià ³n frente a la deportacià ³n otorgada por la accià ³n diferida, todo parece indicar, irn venciendo en la fecha prevista en cada caso. Por ejemplo, si vence con fecha del 6 de julio de 2019, es vlida mientras no llegue ese dà ­a.  Si se tiene aprobado con fecha anterior al 5 de septiembre de 2017 un permiso de advance parole para viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos, entonces se puede viajar. Sin embargo, como este es un asunto muy delicado, se recomienda consultarlo con un abogado o con una organiz acià ³n de apoyo a Dreamers y en caso de duda, no viajar. Si se presentà ³ la solicitud para el advance parole pero todavà ­a no hay respuesta, el USCIS  no lo tramitar pero sà ­ regresar el importe pagado en concepto de cuota.A partir del 5 de septiembre del 2017 no se pueden presentar solicitudes nuevas de advance parole para viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos. En principio  llegado el 5 de marzo  de 2018 los Dreamers podrà ­an  haber comenzado a ser deportados y sus permisos de trabajos dejarà ­an de ser vlidos en las fechas en ellos consignadas. Sin embargo, eso se ha paralizado por orden de una sentencia judicial. Por ahora, los Dreamers que han tenido la accià ³n diferida aprobada pueden seguir solicitando su renovacià ³n. Sin embargo, no pueden salir de Estados Unidos, ni siquiera con advance parole, ni se pueden pedir acciones diferidas nuevas. Demanda de los estados en contra de la decisià ³n de finalizar DACA 15  estados y el Distrito de Columbia  se han sumado para presentar una  demanda  en contra del gobierno federal por la decisià ³n de Trump de finalizar el programa DACA. La demanda, que ha sido presentada en el Distrito Eastern  del estado de Nueva York, est liderada por el fiscal general de ese estado y la de Massachusetts. Adems, se han unido los de Carolina del Norte, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa,  Nuevo Mà ©xico, Oregà ³n, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington y el Distrito de Columbia. Los estados argumentan que la decisià ³n de Trump de finalizar DACA tiene 4 problemas desde el punto de vista legal. Por una parte,  violarà ­a en dos ocasiones la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo. Adems, por otra parte violarà ­a 2 tipos de protecciones otorgadas por la Constitucià ³n: al  debido  proceso y a la igualdad ante la ley.   Este à ºltimo punto se basa en que la decisià ³n de Trump tiene por objeto perjudicar a un grupo de personas por razones de su origen, ya que cuatro de cada cinco muchachos beneficiados por DACA son  mexicanos o centroamericanos. Se espera una ardua batalla legal en Corte. Propuesta de ley en el Senado Segà ºn el proyecto de ley liderado por los senadores Graham (republicano de Carolina del Sur) y Durbin (demà ³crata de Illinois) los Dreamers podrà ­a sacar la green card si cumplen una serie de requisitos, como por ejemplo, llevar 4 aà ±os o ms en Estados Unidos, haber llegado antes de cumplir los 17aà ±os de edad, tener un rà ©cord limpio, pasar un examen de inglà ©s, haber obtenido el tà ­tulo de high school o equivalente y haber trabajado por 3 aà ±os. Por ahora esto es solo un proyecto de ley y para convertirse en ley tendrà ­a que ser aprobado en la Cmara de Representantes y en el Senado. Esta iniciativa se presentà ³ poco despuà ©s de que el congresista  congresista Luis Gutià ©rrez, tras reunirse con otros miembros del causus Hispano con el Secretario de Seguridad Interna el seà ±or John Kelly, afirmase que tanto los Dreamers como los beneficiarios de los que se conoce como TPS deben prepararse para lo peor. El congresista Gutià ©rrez apuntà ³Ã‚  a la posibilidad real de que tanto el programa DACA para Dreamers como el TPS puedan finalizar, dando paso a deportaciones masivas. Quià ©nes son los muchachos conocidos como Dreamer y en quà © consiste DACA Los Dreamers son aproximadamente 2.1 millones de indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os.   Aproximadamente 800  mil  Dreamers se han beneficiado de la accià ³n diferida ordenada el 15 de junio de 2012 por el presidente Obama. Los que tienen este beneficio aprobado: No son  deportadospueden solicitar permiso de trabajo por dos aà ±os, renovable.pueden pedir un Nà ºmero del Seguro Socialpueden sacar la licencia de manejar Para poder acogerse a este beneficio de la accià ³n diferida (DACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) hay que cumplir con una serie de requisitos de edad, estancia en Estados Unidos, estudios o servicio en el Ejà ©rcito y no tener rà ©cord penal. Cada dos aà ±os deben renovar DACA para conservar sus beneficios. Asesorà ­a migratoria Estas 13 organizaciones para asesorarse sobre todos los temas que tienen que ver con DACA. Tambià ©n destacar, entre muchas, 2 pginas webs que conviene seguir como como son My Undocumented Live y United We Dream ya que siempre estn a lo à ºltimo en este asunto. Esta à ºltima organizacià ³n es tambià ©n muy combativa defendiendo los derechos de los Dreamers. Otro telà ©fono interesante para buscar asesoramiento es el de la Hispanic Federation, que aunque est basada en Nueva York puede proporcionar ayuda y/o buenas referencias en otros estados. El telà ©fono es el 866-432-9832. Asimismo, y dado el clima actual de incertidumbre, lo ms aconsejable es asesorarse con abogados competentes o asociacià ³n de apoyo a migrantes, particularmente a Dreamers, sobre si existe alguna posibilidad real de regularizacià ³n de la situacià ³n.  Los  caminos para la legalizacià ³n  no son muchos, pero en algunos casos es posible.   Al mismo tiempo es fundamental no caer và ­ctima de fraude por parte de personas sin escrà ºpulos que pueden aprovecharse de la desesperacià ³n de las personas. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, October 21, 2019

sociology in pakistan Essay Example

sociology in pakistan Essay Example sociology in pakistan Essay sociology in pakistan Essay Group Names:ubedullah , Usaid Anwar Salman , Sheraz Ahmed , Ubaid Rehman Report:Sociology Report No. 1. Report Subject (topic): Religion Politics in Pakistan Submitted To: Sir Qamar Abbas Dated: 28-Nov-2013 International Islamic University Islamabad Content Definition of Religion Definition of Politics History of Religion History of Politics Analysis (Religion Politics) Suggestion Conclusion Dennltlon 0T Rellglon Religion: Religion means to give up or follow rules regulations which are given. The belief in a god or in a group of gods. An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules sed to worship a god or a group of gods, an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group. Personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices Religion consequences in Pakistan: Pakistan is that country which is made up or established on basis of religion percepts because as we know that MOTO of Pakistan is LA ILLAH IL-ALLAH MOHAMMAD-UR- RASOOLALLAH and Pakistan contains its full name as Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Although there are many religions in Pakistan but all religions have equal rights, all are respected in brotherhood. Majority Islam: Muslims 97% (sunni 77%, Shia 20%) Minorities Christianity, Hinduism, Parss and others 3% (Christians are the largest minority group) Politics: Concept of Politics is to have rules regulations on which basis nation can lead peaceful life. Politics is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a civic or individual level. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance and organized control over a human community, particularly a state. A variety of methods are employed in politics, which include promoting its own political iews among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries. Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels, from clans and tribes of traditional societies, through modern local governments, companies and institutions up to sovereign states, to international level. A political system is a framework which defines acceptable political methods within a given society. History of political thought can be traced back to early antiquity, with seminal works such as Platos Republic, Aristotles Politics and opus of Confucius. History of Religion in Pakistan Islam: Islam Is tne state rellglon 0T PaKlstan, ana aoout Y5-YB% 0T PaKlstanls are Musllms. Islam is the largest and the state religion of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which has a population of about 190,291 , 129. The majority (95-97%) of the Pakistani people are Muslim while the remaining 3-5% are Christian, Hindu, and others. Sunnis are the majority while the Shias make up between 5-20%of the total Muslim population of the country. Pakistan has the second largest number of Shias after Iran, which numbers between 16. 5 million to as high as 30 million Hinduism: Hinduism the second largest religion in Pakistan accounting for 1. 85% of the population. The Last population census divided the population into 1. 6% Hindu Jati and 0. 25% Scheduled castes. Punjab province of modern day Pakistan on the banks of Indus river around 1500 BCE and spread from there across South and South East Asia slowly developing and evolving into the various forms of the faith we see today. Although no population census recording religious affiliation has taken place since 1998, if the numbers are extrapolated then Hindus would account for around 3 to 3. 5 illion people today. According to the last census held in 1998, 93% of Hindus live inSindh, 5% in Punjab and nearly 2% in Balochistan. Christianity: Christianity make up 1. 6% of Pakistans population, about 2. 8 million people out of a total population. The majority of the Pakistani Christian communities is constituted by converts from the Hindus and Muslims from Punjab region, from the British colonial era. Bah? ¤i: The Bah? ¤i Faith in Pakistan begins previous to its independence when it was still under British colonial rule. The roots of the religion in the region go back to the first ays of the B? ¤bi religion in 1844. Sikhism: There are a number of Sikhs living throughout Pakistan today, about 20,000. Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism is believed to have been a major religion in the region of Pakistan from the time it was part of the Persian Achemenid empire. There are at least 4,000 Pakistani citizen practicing the Zoroastrian religion. Kalash: This is pagan religion of the Kalash people living in a remote part of Chitral, about 3,000. Buddhism: Buddhism has an ancient history in Pakistan, currently there is a small community of at least 1500 Pakistani Buddhist in the country. Judaism: There is no evidence that there are any Jews Various estimates suggest that there were about 1,500 Jews living in Pakistan at the time of its independence on 14 August 1947. History of Politics in Pakistan In 1947 Pakistan becomes member of UN by a unanimous vote of the Security Council. In 1949 Constituent Assembly of Pakistan adopts Objectives Resolution, as a guide to future constitution modeled on the ideology of Islam. in 1954 approved the National Anthem, written by Abul Hafeez Jlundhri. In1956 on February 21 Constituent AssemDly aec10es tne country snall De a reaeral RepuDllc Known as Islamic RepuDllc f Pakistan. In 1958 on October 7Martial Law is declared throughout the country. In 1960 on February 24 Presidential Cabinet decides to name the new Capital as Islamabad. In 1962 Constitution is promulgated, Gen: Ayub became first President. Than after Zulfiquar Bhutto became president East Pakistan became separate. After Zulfiquar Bhutto, Gen: zia-ul-haq became president. After 1985, Pakistan govt. came under into civilian people, Benazir Bhutto, Mian Nawaz Sharif after them Pervaiz Musharraf became president. Then after President Asif Ali Zardari became resident now Mamnoon Hussain Analysis (Religion Politics) Religious Analysis: If we look upon religious point of Pakistan, our country was established due to religious basis. But now a days we have forgotten religion aspects but want to live luxuries lives. When we are in trouble then we say We are unlucky or our politics is corrupt but we never see inside ourselves that what we are? Political Analysis: Politics was made for nation but now adays politics is Just played as a game in which nation is used as a ball. The leader which is selected that does not think for etterment of nation but Just thinks that what will happen of mine after 5 years. Within term of 5 years he makes his future savings. When any government is selected for term of 5 years, it leads nation as they want, they never ask during his leading days from nation. Just moves on. Politicians Just beg from nation for sake of votes during voting days. Suggestion: According to my point of view. First of all there should be rules regulations of religious points aspects. In politics there should be religious scholars which are to be selected by nation. Ministers of all departments should be selected by ation. Removing foreign policies languages, our national language should preferred more. Islamic histories at lower classes should be published for children. Should be focused and must be given first priority to the religious points. Conclusion Religious Overview: We do not think or we donot remember that for what purpose we are made for. We have forgotten our reality thats why we are blessed with curse of such tensions from them we never get peace. All time after having everything we donot lead peaceful life its all due because we are away from religion. Politics Overview: I believe that as you sow, so shall you reap. So as we are ourselves thats why we are blessed with such type of politics because we never try to be independent but totally depend upon our government. But in other countries government depend upon nation its all due to nations unity. Their nation is not divided into any group or any tribe on basis of religious or race basis. When they feel any type of missing they become united and make crisis but in our country no crisis, no unity, no united natlon, so no peace, no government! THE END! KEEP SMILING!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Relevance of the US Constitution

The Relevance of the US Constitution If a person should live according to the ethical norms, what principles should be reflected in the Constitution of the country to regulate the development of the whole nation? The principles which are presented in the Constitution of the USA are the significant components of the Americans’ national identity. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Relevance of the US Constitution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From this point, the Constitution is the major source of the basic norms according to which the life of an average American is organized, and in relation to which foreigners make definite considerations about the country and its ideals. Thus, the US Constitution is still relevant and important for Americans because it regulates the main aspects of the people’s life within the country, presents the fundamental principles on which the governmental structure is based, and discusses the concepts of ju stice, welfare, and liberty as the most important for Americans. That is why, the relevance of the Constitution can be assessed only with references to the ideals and principles which are emphasized in it without concentrating on the year of its adoption. In spite of the fact every country has its own Constitution, the US Constitution is the symbol of the American freedom, and it is the base for realizing the ‘American dream’. Those norms, standards, laws, and principles which are stated in the US Constitution are so important that the nation does not feel the necessity to make significant changes in the text of the Constitution or adopt the new variant. The relevance depends on the currency, and those principles which are reflected in the Constitution are still current. There are few persons who can argue the significance of equality or freedom for everyone (Hennessey and McConnell). Nevertheless, it is impossible to reject the idea that times change, and definite al ternations can be made in the Constitution. From this point, the system of amendments emphasizes not the imperfectness of the first variant of the Constitution, but the vision of the Federalists who developed the Constitution which can be discussed as appropriate to respond to the realities of the 21st century (Farrand).Advertising Looking for essay on constitutional law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Constitution is the supreme law which is based on the unique rules and norms. These norms help the nation realize its inimitable characteristics which accentuate the national identity (Beeman; Hennessey and McConnell). Thus, the ideals of democracy and liberty are the main points according to which it is possible to distinguish the position of an American when he or she discusses a certain problem (Jordan). These concepts can be examined as the ruling force of the country on its way to the further development. T he USA became the synonym of the progress many years ago when the country became the world leader in relation to a lot of criteria, and the rules and notions which are stated in the Constitution contributed to this process significantly. The USA is the land where dreams can become true, and a person can face a lot of opportunities for their realization. These associations are the results of the country’s policy which is based on the principles fixed in the Constitution. It is important to focus on the fact that the US Constitution can be discussed as relevant and useful till these associations and ideals are alive and help people to create the world of their dream, basing on the democratic ideals, concepts of liberty, justice, and equality. Beeman, Richard. The Penguin Guide to the United States Constitution: A Fully Annotated Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and Amendments, and Selections from The Federalist Papers. USA: Penguin Books, 2010. Print. Farrand, Ma x. The Fathers of the Constitution; a Chronicle of the Establishment of the Union. USA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. Print. Hennessey, Jonathan, and Aaron McConnell. The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation. USA: Hill and Wang, 2008. Print. Jordan, Terry. The U.S. Constitution: And Fascinating Facts About It. USA: Oak Hill Publishing Co., 1999. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Relevance of the US Constitution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Andrew jacks and William Henry Harrison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Andrew jacks and William Henry Harrison - Essay Example Apparently, the circumstances surrounding the United States during that period were similar. Both of these presidents were born during a time when the United States was under the British colonial rulership. This translates to the fact that both Jackson and Harrison were aware of the struggle towards independence, which was of critical importance to the kind of leadership they exercised. Before rising to the presidential positions, both Jackson and Harrison had held numerous positions in the government that served to prepare them for presidency. Jackson was the seventh president of the United States, and took office in 1829. He set the record for being the first democrat to occupy the white house, making him a pace setter for the democratic affiliation that has become stronger over the years. He remained in office for two terms. During his terms, he redefined the executive powers accorded to the president (Brands 14). The previous presidents had operated much like chief administrators, but he expanded such mandate to the level of the popular tribune. He participated in the revolutionary war, a factor that helped him to understand the type of freedom that American needed. He ascended to office during a time when America was struggling to register economic growth, but taxation on the roads and high import taxes were major setbacks. His introduction of subsidies in the transportation process, and importation protective tariffs defined his initial policies in presidency (Gunderson 34). Jackson also contributed to the ‘bank war’ policies that surrounded the charter accorded to the Second Bank of the United States. He extended the charter past the preset expiry date, and transferred the federal state’s deposits to a bank chartered by the state a year later. This action triggered a financial crisis that culminated into a full-blown depression in the years that followed

Friday, October 18, 2019

Quantitative Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quantitative Methods - Assignment Example Therefore, someone seeks to unveil the relationship between the variables. This relationship can assume a status of being positive, negative or null. Positive relationship encompasses denotations as (+ve), Negative by (–ve) and null by (0) (Asuero & Bueno 2011: p.45). Zero exuberates that there exists extremely no relationship between the variables. Correlation thus becomes useful when trying to gauge relations of sales for the business. Quantitative regression outdoes correlation because of the information of ease in predictions. Graphs entailing reliant and independent variables produce lines of finest fit (Twomey& Kroll, 2008: P.531). The best-fit precisions enable the company to explore in proliferating merchandise encompassing required exactitude in the marketplace. One indisputable importance of the quantitative techniques would be information that aid in estimation of variables. For instance, sales exemplify a variable that counts most to a firm. Therefore, sales made at instances denote undeviating or indirect correlation to matters of taste, earnings, and cost. Attention to these matters leads to improved sales because of greater quality (, 2007: P 345). Regression entails the importance of exemplifying trend within certain durations. Therefore, this helps in keeping the trend in sales through revising production. Evaluating trends ensures that there entails observance to current precisions involving customers. The depiction of such trends ensures that focus is paramount in firms. Regression technique also exemplifies effectiveness of advertising performed to a certain product.

NEWS ARTICLE SUMMARY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

NEWS ARTICLE SUMMARY - Essay Example Standard & Poors is an important financial company in the United States that provides services within the credit and stock industries. The issue between the SEC and Standard & Poors stems from the fact that the latter company may have violated â€Å"federal securities laws related to its ratings of collateralized debt obligations in 2007, as the financial crisis was getting under way†(Rizzo). Standard & Poors is a company that often provides a service to the country by raising and lowering credit ratings of companies and countries. When it raises or lowers the rating, it is essentially providing a report card for how well that company/country is doing in their business and their business practices. The SEC believes that Standard & Poors basically did not do their job in monitoring companies like Sallie Mae and Freddie Mac which were significant contributors to the housing/ mortgage crisis that ultimately led the United States into this severe recession in the first place. According to Patrick Rizzo, â€Å"Some critics have said it(Standard & Poors) and other ratings agencies helped contribute to the crisis by not warning about the dangers of sub-prime mortgages(Rizzo). So, by publicly considering legal or civil action against Standard & Poors, the SEC is making a statement about this company and casting a negative light upon their practices. It is important to think about what the SEC’s motive might be however in doing this. Last month, Standard & Poors lowered the United States credit rating from AAA to AA+(Swann). This was done in August 2011 and was said to be done due to the conflict going on in the United States government over raising the debt ceiling. The lowering of the credit rating was seen as a big deal and an overall comment on how the United States was doing in handling their economic woes. Therefore, it does not seem inconceivable that the SEC, which is a part of the

The Narrator in the story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Essay

The Narrator in the story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid - Essay Example Although the narrator is not male, the things she says to her daughter portray what is expected in a patriarchal society. The mother tries to raise her daughter in the same structure that she herself was raised in. she does not seem to question some of the expectations that she has on her daughter, she simply agrees with them and expects her daughter to do the same. To the reader, it is obvious that much of what the narrator teaches to her daughter is oppression, the same kind of oppression that Hook addresses in her essay (Hook 502). The narrator teaches her daughter on matters of how to obediently serve her husband and perform all the household chores that are associated with the house wife. However, she does not seem to appreciate that her daughter has and might have her own desires as a woman and as a human being. The type of nurturing that the narrator mother is trying to force on her daughter will influence her (the daughter) socially, psychologically and economically. In every thing that she does, she will always remember that society expects her to act in a certain way and that her needs do not matter. By portraying the narrator as a proponent of female oppression that is dominant in many patriarchal societies, Kincaid shows that in many societies today, women are bound to their husbands as well as their domestic affairs. The narrator tells the girl to â€Å" cook pumpkin fritters in very sweet oil, this is how to behave in the presence of men, this is how to bully a man†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kincaid). The narrator is like a drill sergeant, her work is to instill what she believes to be acceptable behavior to her daughter. When the daughter tries to intervene or ask a question, the mother ignores her and continues with her indoctrination. This... The paper dwells upon the narration of the story. By portraying the narrator as a proponent of female oppression that is dominant in many patriarchal societies, Kincaid shows that in many societies today, women are bound to their husbands as well as their domestic affairs. The narrator tells the girl to â€Å" cook pumpkin fritters in very sweet oil, this is how to behave in the presence of men, this is how to bully a man†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kincaid). The narrator is like a drill sergeant, her work is to instill what she believes to be acceptable behavior to her daughter. When the daughter tries to intervene or ask a question, the mother ignores her and continues with her indoctrination. This is symbolic of how women are expected to accept their roles without asking too many questions. They are not expected to venture outside their normal household chores. This is a clear indication of the difference between gender roles commonly found in many patriarchal societies.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Typologies of terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Typologies of terrorism - Essay Example dent took place in April 1999 where an attack by 2 students at Denver, Colorado, resulted in the deaths of 15, while more than 20 people were wounded. This qualifies as a terroristic act as innocent civilians died, it was as a resultant of a stereotypical ideological goal and meant to create fear on the targets. The type of terrorism involved in the two terrorist acts mentioned above according to the definition by Malisow (2008) was state terrorism. This is so because the terroristic actions were directed towards the members of different country or even origin other than United States of America. The first terroristic act for example was directed towards Pakistan government by the United States government whereas in the second terrorist act, it was directed towards students who are different from the â€Å"normal† citizen of the United States (this was so because it was directed towards blacks and Hispanics by two students who were presumed to be white

Joe Keller Character Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Joe Keller Character Analysis - Essay Example In the play’s plot, there exists other characters who play significant roles in the story’s development, characters who will help in expounding on this papers thesis that revolves around dynamism and static nature. This paper will look in depth at the dynamic character of Chris, who is the son to Joe and Katie. Chris is a dynamic person because of his anticipation to see change, his romantic relationship with Kate and because of his heroism in the war. Chris Keller was a soldier who found his way home after the war and was disturbed by what he saw when he came back. He was principally troubled by the fact that the world and in specificity his parents’ home and neighborhood was unperturbed regardless of the war ordeals. He is naturally dynamic because of his anticipation to see change as a result of the war in which he had fought hard to survive. Chris is portrayed as a man who had succumbed to change as a result of the war in which he had observed some of his col leagues fight do hard but eventually died. â€Å"We used to shoot a man who acted like a dog, but honor was real there ...But here? This is the land of the great big dogs, you don't love a man here, and you eat him. That's the principle; the only one we live by - it just happened to kill a few people this time, that's all. The world's that way...† (Andrew 167). ... Chris Keller is a dynamic person on the basis of his romantic relationship to Ann, who is a former girlfriend to Chris’ brother, Larry. In the beginning Chris and Ann had fallen in love as they used to write letters to each other. Chris even requested her to come to his home to propose marriage. Chris is a dynamic character because at first he wanted to be with Ann, but at the end of the play he no longer wants her, and this is illustrated in the conversation they have close to the end of the play. The conversation goes like â€Å"Ann: I am coming with you†¦Chris: No, Ann, I can’t make that†¦ Ann: I do not ask you to do anything about Joe. I swear I never will; Chris: Yes, you do. In you hart you always will.† Chris did not want to be with her anymore because he started thinking that she is going to look at him like in his dad. In the beginning he believed in honest of his father and at the end he changed his mind. At the end of the play, we find Chris to be a person who came to be devastated after learning of his father’s deceit and outright lies in the case of selling damaged cylinder heads to the American Air force fighting in World War two. For three years, Joe had lied about his involvement in the sale of the damaged cylinder heads and entirely blamed his business associate Steve Deever of the sub-standard products. Steve was found blameworthy and incarcerated whereas Gorge was set free. Fate would play its role when Steve’s son, George pays visits him (Steve) in jail. George learns from his father how Joe had set him up whereas he was innocent. The enraged George finds his way to Joe’s family house to face him and his family about his deceitful actions. It is in this scenario that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Narrator in the story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Essay

The Narrator in the story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid - Essay Example Although the narrator is not male, the things she says to her daughter portray what is expected in a patriarchal society. The mother tries to raise her daughter in the same structure that she herself was raised in. she does not seem to question some of the expectations that she has on her daughter, she simply agrees with them and expects her daughter to do the same. To the reader, it is obvious that much of what the narrator teaches to her daughter is oppression, the same kind of oppression that Hook addresses in her essay (Hook 502). The narrator teaches her daughter on matters of how to obediently serve her husband and perform all the household chores that are associated with the house wife. However, she does not seem to appreciate that her daughter has and might have her own desires as a woman and as a human being. The type of nurturing that the narrator mother is trying to force on her daughter will influence her (the daughter) socially, psychologically and economically. In every thing that she does, she will always remember that society expects her to act in a certain way and that her needs do not matter. By portraying the narrator as a proponent of female oppression that is dominant in many patriarchal societies, Kincaid shows that in many societies today, women are bound to their husbands as well as their domestic affairs. The narrator tells the girl to â€Å" cook pumpkin fritters in very sweet oil, this is how to behave in the presence of men, this is how to bully a man†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kincaid). The narrator is like a drill sergeant, her work is to instill what she believes to be acceptable behavior to her daughter. When the daughter tries to intervene or ask a question, the mother ignores her and continues with her indoctrination. This... The paper dwells upon the narration of the story. By portraying the narrator as a proponent of female oppression that is dominant in many patriarchal societies, Kincaid shows that in many societies today, women are bound to their husbands as well as their domestic affairs. The narrator tells the girl to â€Å" cook pumpkin fritters in very sweet oil, this is how to behave in the presence of men, this is how to bully a man†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kincaid). The narrator is like a drill sergeant, her work is to instill what she believes to be acceptable behavior to her daughter. When the daughter tries to intervene or ask a question, the mother ignores her and continues with her indoctrination. This is symbolic of how women are expected to accept their roles without asking too many questions. They are not expected to venture outside their normal household chores. This is a clear indication of the difference between gender roles commonly found in many patriarchal societies.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Joe Keller Character Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Joe Keller Character Analysis - Essay Example In the play’s plot, there exists other characters who play significant roles in the story’s development, characters who will help in expounding on this papers thesis that revolves around dynamism and static nature. This paper will look in depth at the dynamic character of Chris, who is the son to Joe and Katie. Chris is a dynamic person because of his anticipation to see change, his romantic relationship with Kate and because of his heroism in the war. Chris Keller was a soldier who found his way home after the war and was disturbed by what he saw when he came back. He was principally troubled by the fact that the world and in specificity his parents’ home and neighborhood was unperturbed regardless of the war ordeals. He is naturally dynamic because of his anticipation to see change as a result of the war in which he had fought hard to survive. Chris is portrayed as a man who had succumbed to change as a result of the war in which he had observed some of his col leagues fight do hard but eventually died. â€Å"We used to shoot a man who acted like a dog, but honor was real there ...But here? This is the land of the great big dogs, you don't love a man here, and you eat him. That's the principle; the only one we live by - it just happened to kill a few people this time, that's all. The world's that way...† (Andrew 167). ... Chris Keller is a dynamic person on the basis of his romantic relationship to Ann, who is a former girlfriend to Chris’ brother, Larry. In the beginning Chris and Ann had fallen in love as they used to write letters to each other. Chris even requested her to come to his home to propose marriage. Chris is a dynamic character because at first he wanted to be with Ann, but at the end of the play he no longer wants her, and this is illustrated in the conversation they have close to the end of the play. The conversation goes like â€Å"Ann: I am coming with you†¦Chris: No, Ann, I can’t make that†¦ Ann: I do not ask you to do anything about Joe. I swear I never will; Chris: Yes, you do. In you hart you always will.† Chris did not want to be with her anymore because he started thinking that she is going to look at him like in his dad. In the beginning he believed in honest of his father and at the end he changed his mind. At the end of the play, we find Chris to be a person who came to be devastated after learning of his father’s deceit and outright lies in the case of selling damaged cylinder heads to the American Air force fighting in World War two. For three years, Joe had lied about his involvement in the sale of the damaged cylinder heads and entirely blamed his business associate Steve Deever of the sub-standard products. Steve was found blameworthy and incarcerated whereas Gorge was set free. Fate would play its role when Steve’s son, George pays visits him (Steve) in jail. George learns from his father how Joe had set him up whereas he was innocent. The enraged George finds his way to Joe’s family house to face him and his family about his deceitful actions. It is in this scenario that

Candide by Voltaire Essay Example for Free

Candide by Voltaire Essay Through Candide’s perplexing adventures and enlightening encounters, Voltaire illuminates the numerous diverse cultures of which Europeans consider themselves superior. Yet rather than supporting the foreign practices of cannibalism, bestiality, and the abolishment of priests, Voltaire is ridiculing the Europeans’ own methods of torture in an abusive social hierarchy. Therefore, while freedom of expression and a consensus of the majority constitute faucets of good behavior, the European practice of elitist rule and inequitable punishments is revealed as unjust. This criticism suggests the need for reform by deriving authority from somewhere other than the traditional roles of the royalty, clergy, and nobility, a rather radical move at the time. Voltaire at first reveals the fault of Europeans through his description of the savage land of Oreillon. Upon their dissent from Paraguay, Candide and Cacambo come across two women, completely nude, who cry out and â€Å"spryly† run away from two monkeys who snap â€Å"at their buttocks† (73). Instantly sympathetic, Candide shoots his musket and kills the monkeys, thinking that he has redeemed himself from earlier sins by saving these distressed women. However, to his surprise he discovers that he has just killed the ladies’ lovers. Without questioning the practices of this foreign society, Candide reacts based on his own perceptions of right and wrong. His actions reflect the naivety of Europeans concerning what is thought to be normal based on their own â€Å"superior† culture. As punishment for Candide’s rash actions, the Oreillons attempt to roast the travelers over a spit to eat, justifying this through the proclamations that Candide and Cacambo are Jesuits and thus deserve to die. This behavior is explained by Cacambo as being â€Å"appropriate† because â€Å"if we Europeans do not exercise our right to eat others, it is because we have other ingredients for a good meal† (pg. 74). He recognizes that each society contains its own equally valid practices which cannot be altered or condemned by those who think they are predominant. In addition, Voltaire is not justifying that bestiality and cannibalism constitute a righteous society, but rather satirically commenting on the Europeans own practices, for it would be hypocritical to condemn these practices without evaluating whether the European’s own forms of punishment are just. As the innocent Candide ventures to Eldorado, he is once again introduced to a land unlike that found in contemporary Europe. Upon their arrival, the travelers bewilderingly walk upon pavement made up of rubies, emeralds, and gold and rapture in the delights of a free feast at a common inn. The generous, humble citizens then guide them to an old man and, later, even the approachable king, in order to answer their many questions. Through these communicators they come to realize that the most striking aspects of the village do not constitute its physical features, but rather its ideology. They are told that all men are free, and thus there is no need for the establishment of courts, trials, or prisons. While Candide is quite baffled by these assertions which completely contrast the structured social organization of Europe, he is even more confused by the lack of priests or an enforced religion, upon which he exclaims, â€Å"What! You have no monks who lecture, debate, govern, conspire, and burn people who don’t agree with them?† (79). These seemingly sarcastic remark is a reflection of the binary thinking in which the Europeans have taught their citizens to believe. Candide had always considered the church as an institution which interjects in every aspect of life and constantly ridicules and punishes others while denying the fact that there are other practices and religions besides the order of the church and Catholicism. Voltaire is not suggesting the elimination of priests, which would be a radical idea at the time, but is rather demonstrating a deeper criticism of Europeans who assume that they are superior and must punish all those who defy this idea. Although Oreillon and El Dorado are societies completely unlike that of the Europeans in law and culture, they are seen as portraying decent human behavior because they allow their citizens to express free will and they derive authority from the consent of the masses. For instance, in Oreillon, women are allowed to mate with whomever they please without judgement or persecution from others. This freedom of expression illustrates that the culture seeks to facilitate the happiness of its people. Additionally, when the two monkeys are murdered by Candide, the leaders instantly capture and attempt to punish the travelers, reflecting the society’s dedication to protect its citizens from harm and condemn those who impinge on basic freedoms. While this culture may seem bizarre compared to more civilized nations, the fact that it derives its authority from the people illustrates that bestiality and cannibalism are enforced as appropriate human behaviors so long as there is a general consensus. Similarly, good behavior does not necessarily need to be derived from praise towards the king or daily sacrifices to a church, as portrayed in Eldorado. Unlike in Europe, the king is humble, approachable and genuinely concerned with the welfare of his citizens. For example, the feast the travelers consume at the inn is free because the state is said to assist business, thus revealing that the government is willing to contribute to the success of its people despite their class or wealth. Therefore, despite their practices, these societies emulate good behavior. However, Voltaire forms a critic of the Europeans due to the unjust practices in which they derive and maintain authority. In Candide’s hometown of Westphalia, for example, the naive Candide is exiled from the castle of the Thunder-ten-tronckh because he kissed the Baron’s daughter, Cunegonde. He was unfairly punished because he stepped out of the social hierarchy to which he was born, while Cunegonde was not disciplined for her actions due to her rank. Similarly, in places like Paris, the elites haughtily criticize their fellow man’s creations and do not hesitate to manipulate and greedily conspire against others. When Candide is led into a ploy by the despicable Abbe and arrested even though he had not committed any crimes, he is able to buy his freedom with three diamonds. The officer then exclaims, â€Å"Ah sire, even if you committed every crime imaginable, you’re still the best man in the world† (97). One’s fate depends on the inconsiderate word of the elite, one’s wealth, and the act of bribery. Since Candide had money, he was able to secure his freedom while the majority of peasants who are near penniless would have to suffer. These scenarios represent the unjust rule of the elites over the consensus of the majority. While Voltaire formulates the components of good behavior based on the legitimacy the authority derives from its citizens, he also constitutes bad behavior as punishment without just cause. For instance, when Candide and Martin arrive in Portsmouth, they view the execution of a British Admiral. The Admiral’s crime was explained in that he had stayed too far from the French enemy and that his death would encourage others to fight more fervently during war. This nonsensical behavior represents the paradox of European punishments which reduce war heros to criminals. Another such scene is presented when Candide and Pangloss reach the city of Lisbon in which a haphazard earthquake kills thirty thousand people. Faculty of a university decide that, in order to prevent another earthquake, they must â€Å"roast several persons over a slow fire They had therefore seized a man from the Basque province who had been convicted of marrying the godmother of his godchild, and two Portuguese men, who when eating a chicken, had removed the bacon seasoning† (52-53). As a manner of electing their sacrifices, they choose those who had committed even questionable offenses, though even those forms of misconduct can be viewed as unsubstantial enough to deserve punishment, much less death. While it is firstly completely unreasonable to attribute a natural phenomenon to personal actions, Voltaire goes so far as to satirically illustrate that this is a commonsense European belief, for both offenses appear inconsequential to the victims’ punishment. Meanwhile, most Europeans would be disgusted with the culture of the Oreillons who engage in cannibalism after enacting a punishment. However, Candide’s death penalty after murdering two of its citizens is a much more equitable offense in terms of its punishment than removing bacon seasoning from chicken, such as in Europe. Furthermore, once a body has been burnt, it seems inconsequential whether it is eaten or not. Voltaire is thus able to portray the irony as well as the unjust nature of European punishments as a bad behavior of society. The figures of the time who would be most notably perturbed by Voltaire’s suggestions constitute the royalty, the nobility, and the clergy. Firstly, for centuries the royalty had uncontestedly derived authority through lineage and from claims to divine right. Candide’s embrace with the King of Eldorado would probably be perceived as strange because the royalty was considered far above the common people in class, stature, and rights, and thus did not need the consent of its citizens to govern. Thus, the monarchy would be opposed to Voltaire’s ideas because they undermine his authority. This is reflected in eighteenth century Europe when the National Assembly made a radical move by sending Louis XVI to the guillotine as a symbol of the growing dissatisfaction of the peasants and workers. Secondly, the nobility consisted of a small number of elites who mainly derived their elevated status from patronage. Voltaire’s view of this social class, at least in Paris, is illustrated in the abode of Marquise de Parolignac, in which these morose intellectuals portray that their sole interests are to spread slander, hypocritically belittle art, and greedily take advantage of Candide’s treasures. Similarly to the monarchy, Voltaire’s proposal that society’s values and laws should be supported by the consensus of the masses was a scandalous assertion because it would undermine the power of the elites and force them to surrender their privilege. Finally, the clergy’s word penetrated all aspects of life in eighteenth century Europe while Religious Orthodoxy formed local allegiances and bound communities together by preaching sacred traditions. However, it can also be said that the institutions of the church hypocritically valued their own self-preservation over educating the masses. Therefore, these religious authorities would not consent in being forced to adhere to stricter laws by having to give proper, legitimate reasons as a means to punish nonbelievers or delinquents of the church. Despite these opponents, Voltaire suggests a need for reform by deriving authority from somewhere other than the norm. Although European society appears far more advanced than that of the savages and more structured than Eldorado, that does not necessarily determine that its laws and people are superior. In fact, Voltaire constitutes good behavior in a society as something that has been consented upon by its people, while bad behavior derives from unjust punishment and the dangerous rule of elites. Voltaire thus forms a critic of Europeans through comparisons to these foreign lands and furthermore questions whether a reformation of authority is a necessary means to benefit society. Source Voltaire. Candide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Introduction Of Decision Making And Creativity Business Essay

Introduction Of Decision Making And Creativity Business Essay Decisions are the options made from two or more alternatives. McShane and Von Glinow (2010) defined that Decision making is a process of making choices among one or more alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs. Effective decision making involves identifying, selecting and applying the best alternatives. People need to use all available resources to predict the outcome of each option and based on the outcome to choose the best alternatives for the particular situation. In the real world, people usually do not follow the rational model to make decision because there are many undefined problem and ambiguous alternatives. For example, people usually simply find an acceptable solution to solve the problem rather than find the most suitable one. Hence, some decision makers probably make decision based on bounded rationality, emotion and intuition. Framing and heuristics are the judgments shortcuts that people used to simplify the decisions. Anchoring and adjustment, availability and representative are the three types of heuristics. People can make choices more effectively by systematically assessing alternatives. Scenario planning is a method that used to forecast possible future. Scenario planning can helps to make the best future decisions before they occur. Furthermore, people can evaluate decisions in an effective way such as find systematic sources, establish a present level to abandon the project, minimize escalation of commitment and involve several people in the decision evaluation process. In addition, some leaders or company also involve their employees in decision making. Leaders and company have limited ideas or knowledge to make the best decision. Thus, they need to rely on employees to solve the problem in a more effective way as employees may have more innovative and multiple alternatives. Improvements on decision quality, defining problem more quickly, better solutions generated are the benefits of employee involvement. McShane and Von Glinow (2010) defined that Creativity is the development of original ideas that make a socially recognized contribution. Creativity also is the process of creating unique ideas or products that are useful to the organizations. Creativity allows and encourages people to think out of the box, which produce innovative and unique ideas for a particular task. Preparation, incubation, insight and verification are the phases of the creative process. Preparation means studying the information and skills that related to the problem. Incubation assists divergent thinking which means reframing the problem in a distinctive way and creates different approaches to the problem. Insight refers to the ideas in a vague form. The idea is worked into a realistic form in the verification phases. Organizational factors such as freedom, resources, learning orientation, organizational support and more will affect the creativity ideas. It is also means that a comfortable and supportive work environment will helps the employees to improve and produce creative and unique ideas. Besides, redefine problem, associative play and cross pollination are the activities that use to encourage creativity. Lastly, creativity in decision making can be said that looking for the novel and unique ideas which the elements in the ideas are previously unseen. Background of NIKE, Inc. NIKE, Inc. is the world leader in athletic apparel, footwear, equipment and accessories. To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world is the mission of Nike. Converse, Inc., Nike Golf, Hurley International, LLC and Cole Haan are Nikes wholly owned subsidiaries. (NIKE, Inc., 2011) Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight have met each other in 1957. In 1962, both of them have become partner and form Blue Ribbon Sports. They pledged $1000 and place order of 300 pairs of shoes in 1964. The first Blue Ribbon Sports retail store opened in Santa Monica, California in 1966. Bowerman and Knight have design and manufacture their own brands of athletic shoes. In 1972, the new Nike line of footwear was introduced and Field Trials were held in Eugene, Oregon. Blue Ribbon Sports was later changed to NIKE, Inc. in 1978. Nike Air Technology in Tailwind running shoes was born in 1979. In 1980, Nike becomes a publicly traded company. Nike had lost their position as industry leader in the middle of 1980. In 1987, Nike designed to regain the industry leader by using marketing and advertising campaign and differentiate Nike from its competitors. Nike build reputation by create inspiring ads with Just Do It as slogan in 1988. In 1990 to 1999, Nike had signed several individual players and national teams around the world and began to design footwear and apparel for golf and soccer. Now, Nike has continued to expand its business to China and become the official sponsor of the National Football League (NFL). 2.0 Content Decision making is a process of selecting from one or more alternatives with the purpose of moving toward some desired state of affairs. Moreover, decision making is a process that decision maker need to make choice from the available option or alternatives in order to achieve the organization goal or to arrive at a solution for a given problem. Decision plays an important role in the organization. If the decision maker does the wrong decision, it will influence the company productivity and profit. Therefore, the decision maker needs to do the rational choice decision. And decision maker can follow the rational choice decision process and do the right decision. First step is identifying the problem or opportunity. Decision maker needs to identify the problem or opportunity before do any decision. Problem is the gap between what is and what have to be. For example, there is a labor practices problem occurred in Nike as stated in Nike first Corporate Responsibility Report, after Nike identify and evaluate its problem and then they came up with ways to resolve the problem. Nike decided to increase training for both managers and employees in order to improve the productivity, reduce labor turnover and less sick leave. The decision made involved all level of the organization where the top management make the decision and the subo rdinates need to collaborate to achieve the companys goal. However the possible disadvantage of Nike to increase training for their current employees is that it can become very stressful to their employee. When an employee is stressed, their job performance goes down. Over-training in the workplace can be a waste of valuable resources such as training materials, hire or promote individuals to train their employees, and also need to pay for both the trainers and the trainees. During the extensive training sessions, employees may become bored and lose interest in what they are learning. Once an employee loses interest, much of the information being taught will not be retained and this will waste the employee time (Robertson). According to NIKE, Inc. (2011), Poor conceived overtime and sick leave policies can reduce employees work performance. If Nike does not regulate contracted overseas factories with overtime levels that are both required by local labor and health authorities, it can attract complaints from human rights organization as well as causing undue health problems to employees which can affect their work performance (, 2012). Sick leave is a form of employment benefit in the form of paid time off for illness. However, Nike intends to increase productivity by initiating an Attendance incentives policy which encourage employees to attend for work but this may send the wrong message to the employees that attending to work even while they are sick would earn them credits. This can cause an employee to feel pressured to if they want to take sick leave even when they are seriously ill, which could result in significant health damage and increased health care costs for the company (Smith, 2013). Second step is choosing the best decision process. Decision process include programmed and non-programmed. Programmed is a decision that made in routine, repetitive, frequent decision and highly structured environment. In this decision making, they allow to set up a rule, policies and procedure to follow. In this decision making, they can follow standard operating procedures because of the highly structured environment. For example, to improve daily productivity, Nike has implemented lean manufacturing which is the foundation of how Nike enhances sustainable manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is a system and continuous enhancement that target to deliver the highest quality product while reducing waste. Lean manufacturing can empower workers and teams. A significant increase in satisfaction of workers in factories is found after lean manufacturing is implemented. The problem facing by Nike when implemented lean manufacturing is hard to get support from their employees to follow and take orders. This can sometimes be difficult to attain as some employees who is resistive to changes. Lean manufacturing system requires a complete overhaul of manufacturing systems that may cause personality clashes, stress and refusal by employees who prefer old ways of doing things especially the older employees. Thus, it possibly will cause conflict among others in the work group. Lean manufacturing training is a constant ongoing process, and when first starting out it will takes a lot of time and effort on everyones part (Manufacturing Info, 2010). The time investment required to implement lean manufacturing system throughout Nike is one of the drawback. Successful implementation requires the participation and support from employees throughout the company to guarantee that the cells integrate well with one another (Deiterich, 2013). Due to lean manufacturing system are dependent on supplier efficiency, any interruption in the supply chain on production can be a problem that negatively affects customers. Delays in delivery can cause long-lasting marketing problems that hard to overcome and may cause problem of customer dissatisfaction (Wood, 2013). On the other hand, non-programmed decision is unique decision that requires a custom made solution. In this decision making, they mostly deal with unstructured environment and incomplete information. This decision making cannot set up a rule, policies and procedure to follow because this decision making is infrequent decision and unstructured environment. To solve the non-programmed situation, Nike have spent more than 15 years to deal with the contract factories on the issues of worker rights and protections, wages, living conditions for workers and the environmental impacts of manufacturing processes. Nike is setting high expectations for workers, providing training and tools to help factories to meet those expectations and accessing their performance. This approach able to create baseline standards, improved oversight and helped factories to move beyond compliance. In this case, certain issues continue to arise. Issues such as overtime, working hours and associated wages have made up the majority of violations found by audits of apparel, footwear and equipment factories. Nike spends a lot of time and resources to deal with these types of issues in the factories that are poor performing, while having less time to engage with the factories that are high performance. Therefore, Nike have evolved their approach to build relationships with contract factories and developed a new manufacturing vision (NIKE, Inc., 2011). Third step is developed and identify alternatives. After identify the problem or opportunity, they need to do the research. For example, they need to find the solution that can solve the problem they have already identified. After this step, they need to choose the best alternative among one or more alternatives. Next step is implement choice. They can implement the choice in the problem or opportunity. Evaluate choice is the last step, which they need to evaluate the choice or the decision outcomes. For example, whether the gap has narrowed or not or whether the problem have solved or not. Nike is doing well in identifying alternatives. To support the lean manufacturing system, Nike has provided resources to contract factories to support their transition such as training, coaching and technical assistance. This shows that Nike not only depends on the formal procedure like lean manufacturing but also finding other alternatives to improve the productivity. Although the contracted factory (owner and top level management personnel of factory) are being supported by Nike (monetary and other expertise resource), however, operational workers may not receive the fair amount of support from Nike and operational employees are sometimes not recognized as a valuable part of the business value chain. Some workers are unfairly compensated in return for their work and this can lead to a low self-esteem, lack of morale and reduced in productivity (Wilsey Lichtig). Problem identification challenges include perceptual defense, stakeholder framing, decisive leadership, mental models and solution-focused problems. Perceptual defense is ignoring information that threatens their self- concept. Stakeholder framing is stakeholder try to persuade decision maker that interest to problem or opportunity not important. Decisive leadership is decision maker do the decision making without enough analyzing the data. Mental model is an assumption and expectation that prevent people seeing unique problem or opportunity. Solution- focused problem is straight to the solution rather than do the investigation, analysis or identify the problem. Creativity is developing an original idea that makes a socially recognized contribution. Creativity in decision making can help the company solve the problem and get the new and useful alternatives. Creative work environment can motivating the work, encourage experimentation, tolerate mistakes, open communication and sufficient resources. Creative process model include four steps. First is preparation. They need to know the problem and do the preparation such as find the information or do the research or learn some skills that help in creative. Next is incubation. They put the problem aside but mind still working on the background. Third is insight. Suddenly they become aware of unique idea. They see or hear something and cause them suddenly to have a new idea. Last is verification. In this step, they need to evaluate their idea is good or not or benefit or costly for the company. Nike is playing well in creativity either in the shoes design or advertising. The shoes designer need to design the shoes to do three visual dialogues that are attract consumers with iconic design, clean and simple, engage them with craft that is holistic and catch them with the idea. The idea of barefoot shoes that designed by Nike is impressively creative. Nike concerns on the structure of the foot. They did pressure testing on the high-end athletes about what they are doing to make themselves better and also discover that they are usually training barefoot. That is the idea of barefoot shoes came from. Nevertheless, Nike also come out with interesting advertisement and won the Creativity Best 2012 as both the television and print categories is one of the years most innovative advertisers. Employee involvement is the degree to which employee influence how their work is organized and carried out. Different levels have different forms of involvement. In the lowest level, they do not know what problem is about in the company so they do not make the recommendation. In the middle level, they know what problem is happen in the company and they will provide the recommendation to do the decision making. In the highest level, they make the entire decision making process. They need to choose the best alternative among one or more alternatives and implement the choice and evaluate the choice. Higher employee involvement is better when the employees have relevant knowledge beyond leader and can help the leader solve the problem. Most employees would lack commitment if they do not involve. Company need encourage their employee involve in the situation because higher employee involvement means higher commitment of employee. Nike involved all levels of the organization in decision ma king. For instance, top managers determine their organizations goals, what products and services to provide. And middle and lower managers determine the production schedules, select new employees and other routine practices. The disadvantages of moderated employee involvement within an organizations decision making process are too many lines of communication and the potential for inconsistent decision making. When more employees have decision making ability, more communication is needed to make certain that decisions are consistent across the organization. This consistency is significantly important to brand recognition and consistency. Managers may need a long time to monitor decisions and activities with employee involvement to protect against negative consequences and to control the potential for chaos (Kokemuller). 3.0 Recommendation The rational choice paradigm can make several assumptions about the human capacity to process information. One of assumptions which are decision makers can process information about all alternatives and their consequence but normally this is not possible to happen in reality. They only evaluate a few alternatives and some of the main outcomes of those alternatives as well as the Nike. There are some recommendations on how those assumptions that being used by Nike can be applied more effectively in the coming future. Postdecisional justification gives people an excessively optimistic evaluation of their decisions but in reality it will bring the objective feedback to the company. There are four main reasons which are self-justification, prospect theory effect, perceptual blinders and closing costs explained that why people poorly evaluated their decision outcomes. These reasons make escalation of commitment look irrational. The first recommendation for Nike is to minimize postdecisional justification and escalation of commitment. This will ensure that the people who made the original decision and people who later evaluate that decision are different. The self-justification effect can be minimized by this separation of roles due to the person responsible for evaluating the decision is not connected to the original decision. In addition, the Nike can publicly establish a preset level at which the decision is abandoned or reevaluated. It is similar to a stop-loss order in the stock market, whereby the stock is sold if it falls below a certain price. The problem with this solution is that the situations are always so complex. This is because it is very difficult to identify an appropriate point to abandon a project. The next suggestion for Nike is to looking for a source of systematic and clear feedback. For an example, the phenomenally large cost overruns at Scotlands new parliament building might have been smaller if let say the Scottish government had received less ambiguous or less distorted information from civil servants about the true cost of the project during the first few years. The escalation of commitment happened in Scotland because of they do not see the problems soon enough. Lastly, the Nike can try to improve their decision evaluation process by involving of more people in their own evaluation. Besides that, co-workers of Nike can continuously monitor each other and they might notice the problems sooner than someone working alone on the project. Employee involvement offers these and other benefits to the decision making process. So that, Nike can identify their problems, choose the best alternative and implement their decision with the knowledge and multiple perspectives of employees of company. Other than that, we recommend Nike to use Theory Y by Douglas McGregor (1960) to help their employees improve their working performance and distress due to over training. Theory Y emphasize on participative management style. This theory assumes that employees effort in work is as natural as play and work. They are self-motivated, enjoy their work a lot, self-direction and always seek for responsibility. Nike should motivate their potential employees and helps them to develop their skills and capacities. Appraisal method such as provide promotion opportunities to employees with good performance. Motivated employees are more willing to help organizations to achieve goals. According to Comms study (Puvanasvaran, A. P.), there are five best practiced components can be used to solve the problem of lean manufacturing which are environment change, leadership, culture, employee empowerment and communication. Nike should help the older employees to understand how lean manufacturing system work, try to communicate and share clear information with them so that they can understand their company goal. Nike can assign some employees to guide those employees who are not familiar with the process. Moreover, we also recommend Nike applies values drive behavior to motivate and handle the problem of operational workers who did not get their return fairly. The component of justice and fair guidance are needed. Nike managerial leaders should practice ethical behavior by locating organization resources fairly. Resources such as people, capital assets, money should treated and distribute fairly. They treat the workers equally by giving them the amount they deserved to get. Another component is love and kindness. Workers should be treated kindly. When their effort on the job is recognized, they will put more effort and contribute more to the organization. In such way, the operational workers will increase productivity and self-esteem. To solve the problems of inconsistent decision making, Nike should use appropriate team decision making strategy. Normally ideas of high status people or people who should loudest will get attention by other members. Therefore, we recommend Nike to use nominal group technique to solve prioritizing issues such as which resources are the best for company project. It is a technique where all the members brainstorm their ideas without interacting with each other and discuss one by once at the final stage. It is useful in providing effective framework in choosing best option or ranking priorities. 4.0 Conclusion McShane and Von Glinow (2010) defined that Decision making is a process of making choices among one or more alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs. People usually do not follow the rational model to make decision in the real world because there are many undefined problem and ambiguous alternatives. McShane and Von Glinow (2010) defined that Creativity is the development of original ideas that make a socially recognized contribution. Creativity allows and encourages people to think out of the box, which produce innovative and unique ideas for a particular task. NIKE, Inc. is the world leader in athletic apparel, footwear, equipment and accessories. They assist every athlete in developing motivation and creativity throughout the world with using and promoting their products and brand name. Decision making style of the founders of Nike, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight has reflects the participative method in the company. Nike involved all levels of the organization in decision making. The employees who have relevant knowledge beyond leader and can help the leader solve the problem effectively. Furthermore, Nike is playing an important role in creativity which generates unique ideas or products that are valuable to the organizations. Neither in the product design nor advertising, Nike also has tried their best to exert unlimited creativity on it. The creative products and interesting advertisement that created by Nike has help them to produce sustained superior performance. Last, the integration of Nikes design, customer and marketing creates a strategy, which is effective and difficult for their competitors to imitate. Nike has provides clear objective and an environment, which promotes the development and sharing of innovative ideas throughout the world. (Total written words: 3785)