Thursday, February 13, 2020

Implementation reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Implementation reflection paper - Essay Example The most usual troubles include cutting trees, blocking rivers, extreme animal grazing, storms, overflows, and fires, notably, not all the ecologically disturbances can be attributed to man since others like flooding are nurture. These are some of the key issues examined under the study of ecological restoration which is a scientific discipline that studies the repairing of disturbed ecologies. To deal with these disturbances, restoration activities have been designed to restore the environment to its initial state before the disturbance occurred or to create a new and appropriate eco system where there had been none previously. Restoration projects are different in terms of objectives and methodology applied, majority of the restoration systems are however focused in re-establishing native species of animals or plants and/or repair of pre-existing ecological systems (Higgs, 2010). Restoration developments vary in their purposes and their ways and means of accomplishing those objecti ves, examples of the common restorative activities include; revegetation, which is the reestablishment of flora in places it had existed previously, this is often done with intention to control erosion by creating plant cover (Vaughn, 2010). Habitat enhancement by which a site’s suitability is enhanced to make it more conducive as a habitat for a given species, remediation involves the improvement of an existing ecosystem or replacing a deteriorated or destroyed ecosystem. Historically, the idea or restoration has been known for centuries but it is not until recently that notable action has been taken. Some of the most wide scale restoration projects in the world include the Florida wetland restoration in the United States and the Mau forest in Kenya where trees were replanted after years of deforestation. The wetlands in Florida had been drained and the indigenous plants cleared in and used as farms and pastures crops in the 60s as the land was reclaimed for crop cultivation , as a result many animal and plant species native to the everglades vanished since the environment had become hostile for them (Nellemann, 2010). However in 2001, efforts to restore the land were put in place, the water level was returned to normal through reduction of water canals in the region and as soon as the required hydrology was achieved the native species were introduced (Hogan, et al, 2011). A total of 143 acres of wetland were restored and 20 listed animal species reintroduced in to the wetlands and currently placed under the protection by the state to prevent future attempts to encroach the nurture habitat. In Kenya high deforestation in the Mau forest which is a critical catchment area that supplied water to the Africa’s largest freshwater Lake (Lake Victoria) this called for mitigate action which included a cessation of tree felling activities and planting of thousands of trees. After the BP oil spillage, the American coastal wetlands are also in need for exten sive restoration efforts as a result of extreme destruction of the ecosystem and consequent ill effects on marine plants and animals (Barbier, 2011). One of the concepts on which restoration draws is the concept of landscape ecology, this is because restored areas are often small and this puts them at risks similar to those that happen in situations of environmental

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