Sunday, December 22, 2019

Changes Since the Sixties - 916 Words

There were no time guzzling metal detectors at the airports... or the schools. There were no grouchy warning labels on the records and no ratings necessary on the movies. And TV shows were acceptable to the whole family. Those were the sixties or at least part of it. Some of the 52 million sixties boomers called it the decade of peace, harmony and love mainly for the movement for peace and the flower power attitude. Others, a little more pessimistic, called it the decade of dissatisfaction because of the protests against the war and the race riots in many cities. For the teenagers it was the decade of sweet sounding, good-time rock ‘n rollÂ…from the Beatles to the Kinks and many more in between. Still for others it was filled with†¦show more content†¦There are still many similarities between the sixties and today because most of the changes that occurred in the sixties are still in effect in society. Even though there is still rock, acid rock, and that smooth Motown, today has new genres such as rap and hip-hop. Technology has also had a major impact on the music business. In the sixties music was played on about in. records whereas today we have about in. CDs that can play twice as much music. Also you can now look up lyrics on the internet as well as MP3s but back then it was necessary to buy song books with the lyrics in them. Today there are pesky metal detectors at the airports and even the schools. Today there are often racier commercials than most sixties television shows. There is a need for warning labels on CDs and movies because of the rise of violence, sex, and drugs in the media where in the sixties it was all about flower power and love beads Patti Colemen. says. There is also a fear today that is generated by the media. Instead of hearing only what was happening in your community as it was in the sixties, society now hears all the terrible tragic stories from all over the world due to the internet and other advancements in te chnology. Is it coincidental that the fads and pop culture of the sixties era have begun to resurface in youths lives? Especially at the same time our country has become involved in yet anotherShow MoreRelated Changes Since The Sixties Essay878 Words   |  4 Pagestime guzzling metal detectors at the airports... or the schools. There were no grouchy warning labels on the records and no ratings necessary on the movies. And TV shows were acceptable to the whole family. Those were the sixties or at least part of it. Some of the 52 million sixties’ boomers called it the decade of peace, harmony and love mainly for the movement for peace and the â€Å"flower power† attitude. 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