Monday, December 30, 2019

US Supreme Court Procedures and Decisions

From the day the U.S. Supreme Court votes to hear a case to the day some nine months when we learn its decision, lots of high-level law happens. What are the daily procedures of the Supreme Court? While the U.S. has a classic dual court system, the Supreme Court stands as the highest and only federal court created by the Constitution. All of the lower federal courts have been created over the years in one of the five â€Å"other† methods of changing the Constitution. Without vacancies, the Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices, all appointed by the President of the United States with the approval of the Senate. The Supreme Courts Term or Calendar The annual term of the Supreme Court runs begins on the first Monday in October and continues until late June or early July. During the term, the Court’s calendar is divided between â€Å"sittings,† during which the Justices hear oral arguments on cases and release decisions and â€Å"recesses,† when the Justices deal with other business before the Court and write their opinions to be attached to the Court’s decisions. The Court typically alternates between sittings and recesses about every two weeks throughout the term. During the brief recess periods, the Justices review the arguments, consider upcoming cases, and work on their opinions. During every week of the term, the Justices also review more than 130 petitions asking the Court to review recent decisions of the state and lower federal courts to determine which, if any, should be granted full Supreme Court review with oral arguments by lawyers. During sittings, public sessions start at 10 a.m. sharp and end at 3 p.m., with a one-hour recess for lunch starting at noon. Public sessions are held on Monday through Wednesday only. On Fridays of weeks during which oral arguments were heard, the Justices discuss the cases and vote on requests or â€Å"petitions for writ of certiorari† to hear new cases. Before hearing oral arguments are made, the Court takes care of some procedural business. On Monday mornings, for example, the Court releases its Order List, a public report of all actions taken by the Court including a list of cases accepted and rejected for future consideration, and a list of lawyers newly approved to argue cases before the Court or â€Å"admitted to the Court Bar.† The much-anticipated decisions and opinions of the Court are announced in public sessions held on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and on third Mondays during May and June. No arguments are heard when the Court sits to announced decisions. While the Court begins its three-month recess in late June, the work of justice continues. During the summer recess, the Justices consider new petitions for Court review, consider and rule on hundreds of motions submitted by lawyers, and prepare for oral arguments scheduled for October. Oral Arguments Before the Supreme Court At precisely 10 a.m. on days the Supreme Court is in session, all present stand as the Marshal of the Court announces the entrance of the justices into the courtroom with the traditional chant: â€Å"The Honorable, the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is now sitting. God save the United States and this Honorable Court.† â€Å"Oyez† is a Middle English word meaning â€Å"hear ye.† After having submitted countless legal briefs, oral arguments give lawyers representing clients in cases before the Supreme Court a chance to present their cases directly to the justices. While many lawyers dream of arguing a case before the Supreme Court and wait years for a chance to do so, when the time finally comes, they are allowed only 30 minutes to present their case. The half-hour time limit is strictly enforced and answering questions asked by the justices does not extend the time limit. As a result, the lawyers, for whom brevity does not come naturally, work for months to hone their presentations to be concise and to anticipate questions. While oral arguments are open to the public and the press, they are not televised. The Supreme Court has never allowed TV cameras in the courtroom during sessions. However, the Court does make audiotapes of oral arguments and opinions available to the public. Prior to oral arguments, parties interested in, but not directly involved in the case will have submitted â€Å"amicus curiae† or friend-of-the-court briefs supporting their views. Supreme Court Opinions and Decisions Once oral arguments to a case have been completed, the justices retire to closed session to formulate their individual opinions to be attached to the Court’s final decision. These discussions are closed to the public and press and are never recorded. Since the opinions are typically lengthy, heavily footnoted, and require extensive legal research, the justices are assisted in writing them by highly-qualified Supreme Court law clerks. The Types of Supreme Court Opinions There are four main types of Supreme Court opinions: Majority Opinions: Forming the Court’s final decision, the majority opinion represents the opinions of the majority of the justices who heard the case. The majority opinion requires at least five justices unless one or more justices have chosen to recuse themselves (not take part) in the decision. The majority opinion is vital as it sets a legal precedent which must be followed by all future courts hearing similar cases.Concurring Opinions:   Justices may also attach concurring opinions to the Court’s majority opinion. As the name implies, concurring opinions agree with the majority opinion. However, concurring opinions may focus on different points of law or agree with the majority for a totally different reason.Dissenting Opinions: Justices who disagree with the majority typically write dissenting opinions explaining the basis for their vote. Not only do dissenting opinions help to explain the Court’s reasoning in its decision, they are often used in majority opinions in similar future cases. Confusingly, justices will write mixed opinions that agree with parts of the majority opinion but disagree with others.Per Curiam Decisions: In rare cases, the Court will issue a â€Å"per curium† opinion. â€Å"Per Curiam  is a Latin phrase meaning â€Å"by the court.† Per curiam opinions are majority opinions are delivered by the Court as a whole, rather than authored by an individual justice. Should the Supreme Court fail to reach a majority opinion -- arrive at a tie vote -- the decisions reached by the lower federal courts or state supreme courts are allowed to remain in effect as if the Supreme Court had never even considered the case. However, the rulings of the lower courts will have no precedent setting value, meaning they will not apply in other states as with majority Supreme Court decisions.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Changes Since the Sixties - 916 Words

There were no time guzzling metal detectors at the airports... or the schools. There were no grouchy warning labels on the records and no ratings necessary on the movies. And TV shows were acceptable to the whole family. Those were the sixties or at least part of it. Some of the 52 million sixties boomers called it the decade of peace, harmony and love mainly for the movement for peace and the flower power attitude. Others, a little more pessimistic, called it the decade of dissatisfaction because of the protests against the war and the race riots in many cities. For the teenagers it was the decade of sweet sounding, good-time rock ‘n rollÂ…from the Beatles to the Kinks and many more in between. Still for others it was filled with†¦show more content†¦There are still many similarities between the sixties and today because most of the changes that occurred in the sixties are still in effect in society. Even though there is still rock, acid rock, and that smooth Motown, today has new genres such as rap and hip-hop. Technology has also had a major impact on the music business. In the sixties music was played on about in. records whereas today we have about in. CDs that can play twice as much music. Also you can now look up lyrics on the internet as well as MP3s but back then it was necessary to buy song books with the lyrics in them. Today there are pesky metal detectors at the airports and even the schools. Today there are often racier commercials than most sixties television shows. There is a need for warning labels on CDs and movies because of the rise of violence, sex, and drugs in the media where in the sixties it was all about flower power and love beads Patti Colemen. says. There is also a fear today that is generated by the media. Instead of hearing only what was happening in your community as it was in the sixties, society now hears all the terrible tragic stories from all over the world due to the internet and other advancements in te chnology. Is it coincidental that the fads and pop culture of the sixties era have begun to resurface in youths lives? Especially at the same time our country has become involved in yet anotherShow MoreRelated Changes Since The Sixties Essay878 Words   |  4 Pagestime guzzling metal detectors at the airports... or the schools. There were no grouchy warning labels on the records and no ratings necessary on the movies. And TV shows were acceptable to the whole family. Those were the sixties or at least part of it. Some of the 52 million sixties’ boomers called it the decade of peace, harmony and love mainly for the movement for peace and the â€Å"flower power† attitude. Others, a little more pessimistic, called it the decade of dissatisfaction because of the protestsRead MoreCanad The Great Canadian Flag Debate1421 Words   |  6 PagesThe Sixties was and still is a decade of great significance for the northern country of Canada, it is due to the fact that the decad e brought intense changes to Canada through historical occurrences that the decade was and still is a significant decade for Canada. The historical occurrences that happened in the Sixties in Canada that were the most significant to Canada in terms of bringing changes to Canada were the occurrences known as the Great Canadian Flag Debate, the Quiet Revolution and theRead MoreEssay about The Appearance of Youth in the 1960s1056 Words   |  5 PagesFashion in the Sixties Throughout time the United States has changed, whether it is hairstyles, clothing styles or all around consciousness, the people of this fantastic era represent the patriotic lifestyle of the 1960’s. 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It started a large progressive movement, it created dist rust throughout the country, andRead MoreHow 1960s Has Impacted And Influenced Today s Society1396 Words   |  6 Pagestoday; we have the 1960s to thank for those things. The sixties was one of the most impactful decades pertaining to culture revolutions; it is the decade that brought into play some of the problems and privileges that the present is dealing with now. The sixties brought the gay movement, women’s rights, the drug revolution, and has also impacted music as well. One of the most well-known things about the sixties is its music. Bands in the sixties started to break the conservative boundaries by talkingRead MoreEssay about Dinosaur Extinction1381 Words   |  6 Pagesthin layer of Iridium around the rocks in Gubbio, Italy. (New Scientist, 1) Iridium is an element found in meteorites and asteroids. In 1980 it was proven that the layer if Iridium was evidence of a huge comet or meteorite that crashed into the earth sixty five million years ago. The normal amount of Iridium an area is to have is 0.001 on an average. The layer of Iridium found in Gubbio Italy was 0.003. Thirty times the average amount in parts per million. (New Scientist, 1) The theory of the AlvarezRead MoreFashion of Roaring Twenties and the Sixties1527 Words   |  7 PagesFashion of the Roaring Twenties and The Sixties Fashion is the style prevalent at a given time. It usually refers to costume or clothing style. Everybody has to wear clothes, making fashion a part of everyday life. The way someone dresses says a lot about his or her personality, age, culture and experience. At times of economic or social change, fashion often changed. The 1920s and the 1960s are big eras were economic and social change were happening. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Macbeth Literary Analysis Free Essays

The Soliloquies of Macbeth Many times in a play, a character, usually alone on stage and pretending that the audience is not there, thinks out loud. This type of action is called a soliloquy: â€Å"An instance of talking to or conserving with oneself or of uttering one’s thoughts aloud without addressing any person† (Oxford English Dictionary). A remarkable author, William Shakespeare, uses the soliloquy technique in his famous playwright, The Tragedy of Macbeth. We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth Literary Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this tragedy, many of Shakespeare’s soliloquies target around Macbeth, revealing important aspects about himself. The first soliloquy expresses Macbeth’s conscience, â€Å"indecision, and his fierce inner conflict† (Richard 383). He is dealing with the internal conflict of â€Å"pity and horror at killing the virtuous Duncan† (Jorgensen 8:90). In this soliloquy, Shakespeare defines Macbeth’s agonizing imagination: â€Å"Besides, this Duncan/ Hath born his faculties so meek, hath been/ So clear in his great office, that his virtues/ will plead like angels trumpet-tongued against/ The deep damnation of his taking-off;/ And pity, like a naked newborn babe,/ Striding the blast, or heaven’s cherubin horsed/ Upon the slightest couriers of the air,/ Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,/ That tears shall drown the wind† (Shakespeare I:7:16-25). This best describes Macbeth as being directed into conflicts by prophesies of the three witches. Macbeth is a grief-stricken man with a wounded heart that is bleeding for someone else. The second soliloquy is found in the beginning of Act II, where Macbeth is seen alone with a â€Å"dagger† in his hand. Macbeth is giving into evil and the â€Å"terror in his soul and his inability to recover his lost innocence† (Richard 383) is revealed. He lets the illusion of the dagger affect him greatly by talking about satanic images of witchcraft. Shakespeare verbalizes the evil spirits as he goes on to write: â€Å"†¦witchcraft celebrates/ Pale Hecate’s offerings, and withered murder,/ Alarmed by his sentinel, the wolf,/ Whose howl’s his watch, thus with his stealthy pace,/ With Tarquin’s ravishing strides, towards his design/ Moves like a ghost† (Shakespeare: II:2:51-56). Mabillard sums up the quoted soliloquy by documenting: â€Å"Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft and a strong presence in Macbeth, is preparing her acrificial victims, and Murder himself, called by his trustful watchman, the wolf, moves with the power and speed of evil king Tarquin near his prey† (Mabillard). The witchery turns Macbeth into an evil murderer. Lastly, there is another one of Shakespeare’s soliloquies that describes Macbeth. Jorgensen explains what is happening pertaining to this soliloquy: â€Å"Macbeth becomes king. But the ‘settled’ is deeply ironic, for he will be more driven in re stless ecstasy to seek final security† (Jorgensen 8:91). This meditative kind of speech can be found in the beginning of Act III, where Macbeth specifies his own great loss: â€Å"For Banquo’s issue have I filed any mind;/ For them the gracious Duncan have I murdered;/ Put rancors in the vessel of my own peace/ Only for them, and mine eternal jewel/ Given to the common enemy of man,/ To make them kings, the seeds of Banquo kings! † (Shakespeare III:1:65-70). The killings lead Macbeth into â€Å"being accommodated to his murderous career† (Richard 383). Richard Sime also states that: â€Å"This suffering Macbeth is experiencing describes the person Macbeth has become† (Richard 383). At this point, the evil in Macbeth has definitely outweighed the good. Without Shakespeare’s choice of technique, the audience will not fully understand what Macbeth does to become who he is. The reader can see how Macbeth’s character changes throughout the period of time by seeing and hearing the feelings revealed by the use of soliloquies. Therefore, in Macbeth, â€Å"the inner spiritual catastrophe parallels the outer physical catastrophe† (Richard 383). How to cite Macbeth Literary Analysis, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Act one scenes one and two Essay Example For Students

Act one scenes one and two Essay The opening scenes of Hamlet tell us a lot about the play. This is done through the use of language, literary devices, pace, structure and historical, social and cultural references. I will be discussing how scenes one and two of act 1 affect the audience and their preconception of the rest of play. The first scene of many Shakespeare plays sets the scene. In Romeo and Juliet there was a monolog that described some of the background story behind the contents of the play, and in Hamlet the first scene sets the audience up for seconds scene, were the story actually starts. This scene, instead of supplying us with a lot of background information, gives the audience narrative elements that makes us more want to read on. The most oblivious of these is the ghost. Peace, break thee off. Look where it comes again! In the same figure like the King thats dead. Even without the knowledge of who the ghost represents, the sheer presence of a spectre this early in a play make you want to read on, to find out why theres a ghost. Of course, the character who represents the ghost is incredible important to the plot. This is shown though the quote above identifying him as a dead king. From social and historical contexts, the idea of a king, thought of as one down from god himself, stuck in purgatory (which is what the Elizabethans thought was meant when u were a ghost) must have been intriguing to say the least. This scene also sets the scene because the protagonist of the play is absent, which sets the scene around him. This scene also shows us that the dead Kings son is Hamlet. Let us impart what we have seen tonight Unto young Hamlet This tells us that Hamlet at the moment should be the King. The second scene also does a lot for the setting, but also develops the plot and the characters. The King plays a major part in the second scene, and we get a big incite into his character. He opens the scene with a speech to those present at his court. It shows us that the present King was the old Kings brother, not his son. Through yet of Hamlet our brothers death This shows us that the Kings death is known, and Hamlet is aware of it. This now begs the question why isnt Hamlet the King. One part of this shows us that whatever dubious methods he might of used to get the throne, he is actually a good king. and we dispatch You good Cornelius, and you Valtemand For bearers of this greeting to old Norway; This tell us that The King is going to try and use a diplomatic approach to war, by sending to ambassadors to a nearby country of the enemys to try and help prevent the was altogether. It also give us some incite into the position of the new Queen, Hamlets mother. This means Hamlets mother married his father, The King, and when he died, married the dead Kings brother who became King. Therefore our sometimes sister, now our Queen This leads us to an incestuous relationship in the family. The Queens power, unlike what her position as a woman would suggest, is not unimportant. The King describes her: Th imperial jointress to this warlike state. This declares to his court that the Queens influence, is as greatly valued as the Kings advisors, she has joint power. This can draw instant comparisons with Lady Macbeth form Macbeth. Both desire power and both hold a considerable sway over there husbands. Scene two is where are protagonist first speaks. .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 , .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .postImageUrl , .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 , .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53:hover , .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53:visited , .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53:active { border:0!important; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53:active , .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53 .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uec48688e5ee326819d24573ad28baa53:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Antigone And Creon EssayFrom what he says, he still feels the loss of his father. When he refers to Hamlet as my cousin and my son (another side of an incestuous relationship), Hamlet reacts. A little more than kin, and less than kind. This response tells the audience that Hamlet sees himself as nothing like his uncle (father in law) and this may create tension between the two later in the play. Hamlets feelings at this time are greater explored later in the scene, in his soliloquy. This also shows the audience the full extent of Hamlets melon collie.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

5 Simple (But Serious) Things To Consider About University Life -

Starting university life is one of the major milestones of a student’s life. Students are introduced to the responsibilities associated with adult living and are further pushed to begin their independent lives. Although exciting, this new chapter can prove itself to be extremely challenging for some individuals. Hence, the following guide offers students with detailed instructions on simple things to consider before starting their university journey: Educate Yourself On The Fee Structure: The fee structure of a higher degree educational institution is the foremost feature to take under consideration. To make it easier for themselves, in the long run, students are required to select an educational institution which is affordable and reputable. In case the student does get an acceptance letter from a prestigious institution, the individual can look for scholarship programs, which can lower their financial burden. Learn About The Additional Costs:Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   In addition to the fee being paid to the university, students have to bear additional burdens, which can be detrimental for the student’s budget. The cost emanating from daily living, food, textbooks, and travel, can combine to cause a dent on one’s finances. As a result, it is essential for individuals to carry out an in-depth analysis of the total spending per month. Based on this, students can prepare in advance and can make the necessary changes to ensure their spending aligns with their income. Find A Part-Time Job Within Your Vicinity: To survive university life, holding a part-time job is a necessity. The overpowering bills are one of the greatest factors which contribute to the student’s stress levels. As a result, it is crucial for individuals to find an employment option which is close to their residential area. This will cut down the cost for travel, and further, save the individual’s limited resource of time. Select Courses Of Interest: Fundamentally, students are required to select their courses with immense consideration. Individuals are required to carry out thorough research on the courses offered by the educational establishment. Based on this, students are required to select courses that serve the purpose of intriguing them. This presence of genuine interest makes it easy for students to learn and retain information. Furthermore, when an individual’s interest is aligned, writing projects for the subject matter becomes relatively simple for the student. Find Essay Help UK : Going through university life, without taking assistance, is a myth. At a certain stage, all students seek the services of an online Essay Help UK. Hence, it is essential for individuals to pick a service before the pressure storm hits. Therefore, students can look for a facility, which meets their criteria and further assists them with a wide variety of courses. Essentially, the guide mentioned above can assist students with thei r journey of higher education. Despite facing all these challenges, it is crucial for students to take care of their physical and mental health. As a result, it is vital for students to priorities their psychological and physical well-being, to truly thrive at university.

Monday, November 25, 2019

September 11 Conspiracy

September 11 Conspiracy Free Online Research Papers It was a beautiful day outside in New York City on September 11, 2001 though all of that changed. At approximately 8:46 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center (WTC) north tower. The plane hit between floors 94 and 98 (CNN). The ground shook and not one person could have seen something this devastating happen. When the airliner hit the tower, no one really thought the United States was under attack, but that it was just a mistake by the pilot. Those thoughts rapidly changed when 17 minutes later United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the south tower of the WTC. The plane banked between floors 78 and 84 (CNN). A massive evacuation occurred in both towers and the surrounding buildings. People in the south tower found a stairwell that was unblocked but covered with smoke which led those people to go mistakenly toward the rooftop for a rescue that never came. There were a total of four planes that were hijacked on September 11th. Two of the planes crash into both the north and south tower of the WTC. At 9:43 a.m. American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon (Umminger). The fourth hijacked plane United Airlines 93 crashes in a rural area in Pennsylvania. At 9:59 a.m. the burning horrific south tower stands for 56 minutes 10 seconds before it finally collapses (Umminger). Then at 10:28 a.m. the north tower collapses (Umminger). Both towers’ collapses are viewed live by millions of people, they all watched in awe. Now the citizens of the United States understood that we were in fact under attack. We all remember where we were and what we were doing on September 11, 2001. The majority of us believed it was the work of Bin Laden and the al-Qaida. Was 9/11 really the work of terrorists? How can a commercial airliner bring down a 110-story building? Did the United States Government do this just to go to war? Nine years later there are still questions that have been left unanswered on that fateful day of 2001. How could we automatically blame the al-Qaida without any forensic investigation? We were told that the Twin Towers collapsed because of a commercial airliner hitting it at about 500 mph. Was it really a commercial airliner? How can a plane that is made mostly out of aluminum pierce through steel? We were also told that United Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. But how could a Boeing 757 whose dimensions are from nose to tail 155ft 3in, wingspan 144ft 10in, and a height of 44ft 6in (Kleist) create a hole 16ft big? We all saw the explosion that the planes made in t he Twin Towers; we all saw them collapse by a single airplane. So if a commercial airplane can melt steel then how come the same explosion and fire damage was not seen at the Pentagon? In July 1945, a B-25 bomber that was lost in the fog had crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building. Of course the Empire State Building did not collapse. In designing the World Trade Center, Leslie Robertson one of the designers, considered the scenario of the impact of a jet airliner, the Boeing 707, which might be lost in the fog, seeking to land at JFK or Newark airports (Loose Change 9/11). Design Engineers made both towers strong enough to withstand this scenario and not collapse but be able to repair the steel. There has never been a modern steel building collapsed by fire, before or after September 11. The melting point of steel is 2,800 °F. Jet fuel can only reach a maximum heat of 1800 °F. We all saw the big black clouds of smoke; those billowing black clouds in fact indicate that the fires were oxygen starved fires. The heat of the fire in the towers was estimated at 500 °F (911 Ripple Effect). Underwriters Laboratory certified the steel to last up to 3 hours before weakening. We were all told that the fire weakened the steel and collapsed the building. How could a commercial airliner collapse this steel reinforced 110-story skyscraper? If a commercial airliner could not have brought down the Twin Towers then what did? There are many theories involving controlled demolitions, that they were planted in the towers to help bring it down and bring it down so perfectly. Well these theories are pretty farfetched, but there is much evidence to support it. â€Å"Ben Fountain, a financial analyst who worked in the WTC complex told People Magazine that in the weeks before 9/11 there were numerous unannounced and unusual drills where sections of both the twin towers and building 7 were evacuated for quote ‘security reasons’. This was obviously the perfect opportunity to place those explosives† (Loose Change 9/11). So if explosives were the cause of the collapse of the Twin Towers, then how did they get in there? A December 2000 assessment of the WTC recommended immediate renovation work on the steel columns contained within the elevator shafts of both Twin Towers (Avery). Turner Construction, a company located on the 38th floor of the north tower was selected to do the job. Turner’s CEO at the time was Tom Leopard, who had personal ties to George W. Bush and Carlos Gutierrez, secretary to the Department of Commerce. The Department of Commerce is in charge of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Turner Construction also did fire proofing work on the very floors that were struck by Flights 11 and 175 (Avery) All the documents pertaining to Turner’s work were destroyed on September 11. In addition, President Bush’s brother, Marvin was on the Board of Directors at Securicom from 1993 until fiscal year 2000. Securicom was an electronic security company which provided security for United Airlines, Dulles International Airport and from the early 1990’s up to September 11, the WTC. So a company with ties to the government agency, which eventually investigated the collapse, was responsible for doing renovation work inside the Twin Towers. And the building’s security was run by a company with family ties to President Bush (Asquith). And we have no records to prove what they did inside the building. Does anything sound suspicious here? Were the Twin Towers brought down by a single airliner, or was it by the help of a controlled demolition? The WTC complex was composed of seven buildings, three of which completely collapsed on the day of the attacks. Not many people remember that there were in fact three buildings from the WTC complex to actually collapse. World Trade Center 7, a 47-story steel-frame skyscraper became the third building to collapse completely. Unlike the Twin Towers, the collapse of WTC 7 had been anticipated for several hours and the building had been evacuated (Questioning the 9/11 attacks). World Trade Center 7 collapsed that day with only visual evidence of five fires in the building and no plane hit it. The reports tell us that the fires weakened the steel and collapsed the building. How can a few fires that started from falling debris of the Twin Towers reach 2,800 °F to melt the steel and collapse the building? Larry Silverstein the lease holder of the World Trade Center stated in a PBS interview and I saidmaybe the smartest thing to do is, is pull itand they made that decision to pull and the n we watched the building collapse† (Questioning the 9/11 attacks). To pull a building is a demolition term. It means to demolish or to bring down by controlled demolition. This building fell the same way the Twin Towers fell, which according to the evidence was brought down by controlled demolition. So are not both of these incidents related to each other? The Pentagon is the most interesting building that was hit on September 11. There are plenty of questions to ask, so I’ll begin with what we were told. We were told that American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. However, the evidence and the pictures of the Pentagon do not indicate at all that a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. There was never any wreckage at all that was found from the plane besides a few pieces of debris that were no bigger than the size of your hand. There was no tail, nose, fuselage, wheels, luggage seats, engines, nothing. What really hit the Pentagon? We all witnessed the damage at the Twin Towers. However, the damage at the Pentagon is inconsistent with the damage seen at the Twin Towers. At the World Trade Center we were told that the fire was so intense that it fatigued the steel and collapsed the buildings. However, the pictures taken after the roof of the Pentagon collapsed shows the inconsistency. The left side of the Pentagon shows little heat or smoke damage. There is a file cabinet with a computer monitor on it, both completely intact. There’s also a wooden desk that is perfectly intact and a wooden stool with a book laying open on it, the pages and book are not even singed (911 in Plane Site). All four planes that were hijacked were embarked on transcontinental flights, meaning they will have a majority of their fuel left after landing. About 8,600 gallons of fuel would remain, meaning that 8,600 gallons of fuel would have been ignited at the Pentagon. 8,600 gallons of fuel has a BTU rate of 86 million. A BTU, short for British thermal unit, is a basic measure of thermal (heat) energy. That amount of fuel would’ve reduced that section of the Pentagon to rubble and it would have burned for days. Also, a fuel spill of 8,600 gallons would have posed a large soil removal and disposal project under title 40 code of regulations of the Environmental Assessment Association (911 in Plane Site). The hole after the collapse of the section of the Pentagon was 65 feet across and 73 feet tall. Now how can a Boeing 757 whose dimensions are from nose to tail 155ft 3in, wingspan 144ft 10in, and a height of 44ft 6in (Kleist) create a hole after the collapse that size? As noted earlier, the hole was 16ft, but that was the initial hole that was made before the collapse which brings up the same question. Also, there were no scratches or markings on the lawn. Plane crashes leave huge marks on the grass with signs of the fire torching the lawn. However, the lawn at the Pentagon was perfectly intact. We were also told that the fire completely vaporized the jet which the government had to have said considering nothing from a Boeing 757 was found. So how could forensic investigators correctly identify 184 out of 189 people found at the pentagon? The man who hijacked flight 77 was Hani Hanjour. The government told us that on September 11 Hani Hanjour was able to execute a 330 degree turn at 530 mph, descending 7,000ft in two minutes and 30 seconds (Loose Change 9/11). That maneuver is absolutely impossible without the plane stalling and falling out of the sky. He went to Freeway Airport in Mitchellville Maryland to fly small planes. He already had his pilots’ license and he was merely going there to get checked out in the aircraft (Loose Change 9/11). He went on three test runs and he couldn’t control or land the small plane. The instructor stated that he was an average to below average pilot. Since he was not a very good pilot, how could he have executed an impossible maneuver? The Pentagon is the nerve center for the United States Military. Are we supposed to believe that the military had no anti-aircraft defenses to protect their own headquarters? Shouldn’t the Pentagon be under 24 hour video surveillance? Well in fact, the Pentagon has over 80 surveillance cameras that were running on the day of September 11. Not one has been released. However, a gas station, a Sheridan Hotel, and the Virginia Department of Transportation all captured the events (Loose Change 9/11). In minutes after the attack on the Pentagon the FBI took the tapes with a warning not to discuss what they’ve seen. Instead the FBI released 5 frames, none showing a 757. There were satellite photos taken 4 days before the attack. They show a white line marking the exact trajectory of whatever hit the pentagon 4 days later. The gas station and the Sheridan Hotel videos were finally released in 2006, (Questioning the 9/11 attacks) but none show a clear photo of anything happening on September 11. If the government has nothing to hide, then why are they so afraid to answer a few questions or release the video surveillance taken that day? By now you are probably asking yourself, why would the United States Government do something like this? There are hundreds of government contractors in Iraq right now with countless contracts. Here is one contract that was awarded to Halliburton. The Houston Chronicle reported that 82,000 gallons of liquid propane fuel were to be transported to Bagdad. It wasn’t going to be transported from the United States to Bagdad, but from Kuwait to Bagdad, a distance of about 300 miles. Now it would take about ten trucks to transport this much fuel 300 miles. It would cost about one dollar per mile per truck, for a total of about $3,000. Though, if it was a government contract the charge would be around two or three times that amount, or around $10,000. However, Halliburton was awarded 27.5 million dollars to do the very same job (Lewis). How much of your tax dollars went to paying for this job? Would it not have been cheaper to have ten privates drive those trucks that distance? Is thi s a war really a war on terror, or a war for profit? The number one question that people ask is, if the plane didn’t hit the Pentagon then where did it go? If the plane that hit the south tower wasn’t Flight 175, then where did it go? Where are all those people? Giving my opinion would make this paper a conspiracy theory, instead of just a conspiracy. However, consider the following scenario. Let me say that you have to put a loved one on a bus bound from New York to Boston. You put them on a Greyhound bus and watch them leave, waving to them. A couple hours later there’s a news report claiming that the Greyhound bus skidded out of control crashed and exploded. A couple weeks later, someone who just happened to have a camcorder shows up with a video tape of the event. When you examine the video you see that the bus in the video says Trail Ways on the side of it. So then where did the Greyhound bus go? If your loved one was on that bus, you would want to know. So should we laugh and ridicule the people who ask where the Greyhound bus is? That is where we are with the September 11 conspiracy. We may never find out what happened to Flight 77 or Flight 175. However, the evidence screams that we need to reinvestigate what really happened on September 11, 2001. Research Papers on September 11 ConspiracyNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationTwilight of the UAWBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XGenetic EngineeringPETSTEL analysis of IndiaMind TravelPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyDefinition of Export Quotas

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Chapter 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Chapter 2 - Essay Example Sticking to the goals is one of the fundamental aspects of success. Indeed, we live and work for a purpose of achieving our targets. As such, keeping ones focus is a responsibility that should remain supreme. For example, I had always wanted to score top grades in my studies though initially I was not good in classwork and discussions. I faced many challenges including financial constraints, low self-esteem, difficulties in learning, peer pressure, and lack of moral support. However, I kept the focus by initiating personal engagements with my tutors, visiting the library, increasing my input in discussions, and attending all lectures. I made a personal commitment to take my studies seriously with an aim of attaining high marks. As a result, my grades are now on an upward trend. Most importantly, I had to maintain consistency in my quest to attain my targets. Therefore, I made my commitment in education a norm and habit that I followed at all times. Had I not being constant, I would h ave fallen out and would hence not achieve my purpose. There are benefits of using this point in that it teaches me on the need to establish a target and work towards it. Having a purpose in life allows one to concentrate their efforts to something of interest to them and hence high chances of success. Additionally, the point teaches me on the need to observe consistency in seeking to achieve one’s goals. Indeed, without consistency, ones concentration on the set goals would vary thus affecting the probability of succeeding. Furthermore, one cannot claim to have focused when he is doing his things haphazardly with no uniformity. Actually, the use of this point helps in understanding that consistency leads to the adoption of a code of conduct and a code of ethics that facilitate the realization of goals, minimizes mistakes and variations. In fact, it is focus to the set goals and consistency in working towards them that ensures Total Quality

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Management - Essay Example Although ethnically diverse teams play a critical role in the success of companies due to the flexibility, receptiveness, and resource utilization that are expected of them (Marquardt and Horvath 2001), the management of cultural differences and conflict has become a challenge for many international organization. Diversity in culture can bring about misunderstanding, adverse relationships, and weak performance, thus the need to effectively manage geographic distances, facilitate control and coordination matters, establish strong communication, and maintain team consistency. Because of this crucial need, numerous studies, even early research such as that of Hofstede and Trompenaars, have been carried out to explain cultural variations in the working environment and the successful management of these differences among employees. Theories on Cultural Dimensions Through my experience as international director, I have learned about the essential components behind a successful expatriate assignment. Theories of cultural dimensions from well-known researchers such as Hofstede (1980) have been of good use in explaining why people are culturally different from each other. National culture plays a crucial part in understanding a workforce that is ethnically diverse as explained through Hofstede’s (1980) cultural dimensions including power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long term orientation. Power distance indicates the acceptance and expectation of the society, especially the less powerful individuals, that power can be unequally distributed, thus representing inequality. Anyone who has had experience in international studies can point out that all countries and societies have demonstrated inequality in wealth and power distribution, although some are more unjust than the others. Individualism refers to ho w people are integrated into groups; for instance, individualist societies tend to establish loose relationships among its members and each individual is expected to attend to himself and his family while collectivist ones are likely to stay committed to such relations and demonstrate unwavering loyalty to each other. Masculinity indicates how gender roles are distributed; men’s values significantly differ from those of the women such as in terms of assertiveness, competitiveness, compassion, and modesty. The index for uncertainty avoidance suggests how societies can tolerate and accept ambiguity, or whether or not they can find comfort in uncertain and unplanned situations. Unstructured circumstances are often different from the normal conditions and cultures that aim to avoid uncertainty place their efforts in minimizing the likelihood of ambiguous situations through the implementation of strict rules and regulations to ensure control over all. On the other hand, cultures t hat are accepting of uncertainty are

Monday, November 18, 2019

Financial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Financial management - Essay Example Key principles that are followed by the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers are as follows: First, the panel follows the principle of equal treatment for every shareholder. According to this principle, every shareholder of the firm that is getting taken over should get equal treatment. Even if all the security holders do not posses adequate control on the operation of the company, each of them should be protected. Second, the panel strictly follows the rule of providing adequate advice and information timely to all security holders. Third, the panel can not allow the creation of any false market for the shares of the offeree firm. According to this principle, a company is allowed to announce a merger or takeover only once after it becomes completely ready for the event to conduct. Fourth, it is not possible for any firm to perform any unauthorized frustrating activities without having any approval from its shareholders. According to this principle, a firm can not issue or sell any share f rom its treasury without proper approval from its shareholders. (Fisher, 2003) B. The Economic reasons for mergers and acquisitions are some economic benefits that are obtained by means of mergers and acquisitions. The benefits are as follows: Efficiency: Mergers and acquisitions help firms to add up their assets. ... Besides getting efficiency at operational level, mergers and acquisitions also help in providing efficiency at management level to some extent. When a firm involves in the process of merging with another firm or taking over the assets of any other company, then it becomes possible to generate a market controlled by corporate. (Hunt, 2009; Sherman and Hart, 2006) Financial benefits: By taking over the assets of other firms, a business organization can follow the route of diversification of its earnings. This type of diversification causes a significant fall in the variation in the area of profitability of the company and thus helps in making a reduction in the risks of bankruptcy as well as attendant costs. Market power effect: Mergers and acquisitions is also helpful in providing greater amount of market power that in turn offers many benefits to the companies who involve in the process of merging. (Galpin and Herndon, 2007) Sometimes mergers and actuations become unsuccessful for th e following reasons: First, mergers influence organizational culture to a large extent. On account of mergers and acquisitions the employees of the merging companies have to experience rigorous anxiety. This kind of anxiety causes a fall in the level of productivity. Second, frequently, mergers are done with wrong intentions. Often, mergers or takeovers are used for seeking glory or to express financial strength. Third, the success derived from mergers and acquisitions is frequently hindered by variations in the work cultures as well as corporate activities of the firm which are involved in the process of mergers and acquisitions. Fourth, once the process of mergers and acquisitions becomes complete, firms generally put their focus on the issues relating to cost reduction rather than

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Impact Of Biodiversity Loss

The Impact Of Biodiversity Loss Biodiversity loss has a negative impact on our societies; it negatively affects or contributes to the health of individuals, the climate, natural resources, pollution, poverty and the extinction of species. In the past years, biodiversity has been increasing faster than at any other time in human history. Consequently, its metamorphosis is anticipated to continue at the same pace. Virtually, all of Earths ecosystems have been severely transformed as a result of human actions and ecosystems are still being converted for agricultural and other uses. More land was converted to cropland in the 30 years after 1950 than in the 150 years between 1700 and 1850. Numerous plant populations and animals have decreased in numbers as well as their geographical spread, or both. The extinction of species is a natural part of Earths history. However, as a result of human activity, the extinction rate has grown by at least 100 times in comparison to the natural rate. Over the last century, some people have benefited from the conversion of natural ecosystems and an increase in international trade, but other people have suffered from the consequences of biodiversity losses and from restricted access to resources they depend upon. Consequently, changes in ecosystems are harming many of the worlds poorest people, who are the least capable to adapt to these changes. Historically, poor people lost disproportionate access to ecosystem services and biological products because demand for those services has grown. Over the past several decades, there has been an increase in economic losses and human suffering as a result of natural disasters. A rich source of biodiversity such as coral reefs and mangrove forests are excellent natural protection against floods and storms. However, they have diminished in coverage. Thus, they have increased the severity of flooding on coastal communities. In my research essay, I refer to Pettigrew. His theory states that there are three level of social anal ysis of a social problem. First, there is the macro level which is large scale and social structural such as institutions and organizations. This level can be found in Economics. Then, there is the meso level which is between the macro and micro level. It is a situational level in which there is face-to-face interaction and it can be found in Sociology. Lastly, there is the micro level which is small scale and individual such as personality. It can be found in Psychology. Biodiversity loss has a negative impact on our societies; it negatively affects or contributes to the health of individuals, the climate, natural resources, pollution, poverty and the extinction of species. Biodiversity refers to the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, a high level of which is usually considered to be important and desirable. Extinction signifies being no longer existing or living. I will use Sociology to explain the demographic change. I will use Psychology to explain the health of individuals. Finally, I will use Economics to explain the deepening of poverty, the economic decline. Most sources are online journal articles taken from EBSCOhost database (Academic Search Premier) which are almost entirely peer-reviewed. The other source is a book. The theory that will be used in this research is Thompsons Theory of Demographic Transition and the related discipline will be Sociology. This theory seeks to explain the transformation of countries from having high birth rates and death rates to low birth rates and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system as well as an increasingly rapid rise in population growth. Thus, the population will use more natural resources which will decrease the biodiversity. Biodiversity loss affects the natural resources. Jha and Bawa (2006) found out that the population growth has an effect on the rate of deforestation rate in biodiversity hotspots. When population growth was high and Human Development Index (HDI) was low there was a high rate of deforestation, but when HDI was high; rate of deforestation was low, despite high population growth. The correlation among variables was significant for the 1990s. Thompsons Theory of Demographic Transition seeks to explain the rapid rise in population growth as a result of a transition between a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. Thus, there has been an exponential population growth over the last 200 years as a result of the advances made in the industrial, transportation, economic, medical, and agricultural revolutions. Moreover, there has been a simultaneous growth within the industrial sector. Developed countries, in general, have and use more of the Earths resources. Population growth in developed countries puts a greater pressure on global resources and the environment than growth in less developed nations. As a result, Newman (2008) argues that humanitys use of natural resources is now 20% higher than Earths biologically productive capacity (p.411). Furthermore, intact forests also provide protection from floods, landslides, erosion and avalanches. Beyond this, forests are indispensible for regulating the water balance. Damage to the forest means that it cannot furnish these environmental services any more, the consequence of which is greater damage to residential buildings, production plants and infrastructural facilities if there is a nature catastrophe. Also, there is a restricted access of resources that people depend on. In the past, increases in the supply of resources were often achieved despite local limitations by shifting production and harvest to new, less exploited regions. Consequently, these options are rapidly diminishing, and developing substitute s for services can be expensive. The use of ecosystems for recreation, spiritual enrichment, and other cultural purposes is growing. However, the capacity of ecosystems to provide these services has declined significantly. The use of resources such as food, water, and wood has increased rapidly, and continues to grow, sometimes unsustainably. Rainforests once covered 14% of the Earths land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. Also, the price of natural resources is increasing because the demand is higher as a result of its reduction. The increase is a major challenge for developing countries without their own raw materials. The decrease in biodiversity has an impact on the extinction of species. Hautemulle (2010) argues that the current situation is alarming: there are thirty-four hot spots of the globe, areas characterized by both their large number of species and an increased threat to biodiversity. Among them is the Mediterranean. The current extinction rate of species is 100 to 1 000 times faster than the natural rate. It evokes a sixth extinction crisis, which would not, unlike the first five, caused by a natural event like a volcanic or impact of large meteorites. Humans are responsible for the extremely high extinction rate. Many plant and animal populations are declining, both in terms of number of individuals, geographical spread, or both. Dirzo and Raven (2003) claim that 565 of the 1137 threatened species of mammals will go extinct within the next 50 years due to habitat loss and fragmentation (p.162). Furthermore, Dirzo and Raven (2003) found out that habitat loss is the principal driver of extinction throughout the world. Consequently, the survival times of species in small areas of habitat should be considered in relation to their likely time of survival. One in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of all plants assessed in the IUCN Red List 2007 are at risk. Moreover, more than 16,000 species are at risk of extinction. The reduction of biodiversity has an effect on the health of individuals. A new generation of antibiotics, new treatments against bone loss or kidney problems, cancer drugs, it could all be lost if the world fails to reverse the rapid loss of biodiversity. Experts warn that many forms of terrestrial and marine life that have economic and medical interest may disappear before the people can learn their secrets. The reduction of biodiversity means that individuals lose the opportunity to experience many chemicals and genes similar to those already given to mankind for their enormous benefits in terms of health. It can limit the potential discovery of new treatments against many diseases and health problems. Diaz, Fargione, Chapin Tilman (2006) discovered that the loss of biodiversity-dependent ecosystem services is likely to accentuate inequality and marginalization of the most vulnerable sectors of society, by decreasing their access to basic materials for a healthy life and by reduc ing their freedom of choice and action (p. 1302). An enormous portion of the world population could suffer severely as a result of biodiversity loss. It has been estimated by the World Health Organization that approximately 80% of the worlds population from developing countries rely mainly on traditional medicines (mostly derived from plants) for their primary health care. Biodiversity plays a critical role in nutrition. Thus, its loss could decrease the quality of nutrition which would affect the normal development of children (both physical and mental) as well as the health and productivity of adults. Meat from wild animals forms a very important contribution to food sources and livelihoods. Consequently, the reduction of biodiversity could have negative consequences on the food security which would affect many countries particularly those with high levels of poverty and food insecurity. Furthermore, biodiversity safeguards human health since fruits and vegetables are grown in pla nts and trees. Thus, its loss could decrease the production of healthy food. Biodiversity loss has negative consequences on the climate. I will also discuss the causes related to climate. Rosales (2008) argues that Although much uncertainty remains about individual species and ecosystems, it is well established that the overall impact of climate change on biodiversity has been and will be negative (p.1410). There has been significant climate change from 1970 to 2005 according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Regarding biodiversity, it affirms that recent warming is already strongly affecting natural biological systems. There has been an increase in wildfire risk and changes in species such as timing of growth, abundance, the length of growing season and changes in migration. Changes have also been seen in aquatic systems. Rosales (2008) states that Of the 28,671 observed biological changes reviewed by the IPCC, 90% are consistent with what one would expect to see with global warming (p. 1411). Global warming destroys and alters certain habitats such as forests and wetlands. Trapped, these endangered species cannot migrate. Roads are blocking them on their journey. A nature that has not been modified by humans is increasingly rare. Over the next 50 years, the increase in global temperatures by 1.8 to 2  ° C threatens a million species extinction. If nothing is done to stop global warming, this figure will continue to increase. Land degradation in dry lands is associated with the diminution of biodiversity. Thus, its loss contributes to global climate change through the loss of carbon capacity. Furthermore, as a result of climate change, there has been an increase in ocean acidification, the continuous decrease in the pH of the Earths oceans which affects negatively biodiversity. The consequences of the augmentation of greenhouse emissions especially carbon dioxide on the oceans may well be serious. Moreover, coral reefs are threatened by climate change because all of them are at risk. The average level of the oc eans of the world has doubled. Also, climate change has also been found to have an impact on the reproductive periods of species, on their distribution and a highly increased extinction rate. The diminution of biodiversity has an influence on poverty. Diaz et al. (2006) argue that Its degradation is threatening the fulfillment of basic needs and aspiration of humanity as a whole, but especially, and most immediately, those of the most disadvantaged segments of society (p.1305). Seventy percent of the poor of the planet live in rural areas and depend. directly on biodiversity for their survival and well-being. Poor areas also depend on urban biodiversity, not only for food production and other commodities, but also for services provided by ecosystems, including the preservation of clean air and water and waste decomposition. If the impact of biodiversity loss is more severe for the poorest people, it is because they have few alternatives to deal with. Moreover, the poor people have a limited purchasing power. Thus, it leaves them less capable of buying in-substitutes for local ecosystems from outside. Therefore, they highly rely on integrity of their local environment. Add itionally, the reduction of biodiversity affects the sustainable supply of the service. Pollution has an impact on the diminution of biodiversity. It is emitted in many forms, including form of atmospheric pollution, of soil and water, pesticides, particulate matter and heavy metals. Thousands of pollutants circulating in the Earths ecosystems and many of these materials have a significant impact on large-scale forest and aquatic ecosystems. For example, pollution acid had a significant impact on sugar bushes of Ontario and pollution caused by industries such as DDT is known to have resulted in significant decreases in populations of many species of birds, including the peregrine falcon and bald eagle. Pollution can also disrupt ecological processes. Thus, scientists are now the link between light pollution and the decline of migratory songbirds. Moreover, pollution affects biodiversity by potentially increasing the mutation rate and applying pressure or stimuli to populations to move or adapt. Thus, pollution can harm or kill members of a population indiscriminately, o r reduce fecundity. Soil acidification creates ecological dead zones, leaving areas unfit for plant life and the animals that depend upon them. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) may cause declines, deformities and death of fish life. Terrestrial and aquatic plants may absorb pollutants from water (as their main nutrient source) and pass them up the food chain to consumer animals and humans. Chemical contamination can cause declines in frog biodiversity. Zvereva, Toivonen Kozlov (2008) found out that Species richness of vascular plants significantly decreased with pollution. (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦)An overall decline in species richness of vascular plants was primarily due to the contribution of acidic polluters (p. 310). The biodiversity loss has many devastating consequences on the ecosystem, the climate, pollution and on society. It affects the health of the individuals with the rise of infectious disease as well as the loss of potential new medicines and medical models. Also, its degradation is threatening the fulfillment of basic needs and aspiration of humanity as a whole, but especially, and most immediately, those of the most disadvantaged segments of society. It limits both the capability of species to migrate and the ability of species to survive in fragmented habitats. Many actions can be taken in order to conserve biodiversity. Informing all of society about the benefits of conserving biodiversity, and explicitly considering trade-offs between different options in an integrated way, helps maximize the benefits to society. Strong institutions at all levels are essential to support biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of ecosystems. International agreements need to include enfor cement measures and take into account impacts on biodiversity and possible synergies with other agreements. Most direct actions to halt or reduce biodiversity loss need to be taken at local or national level. Suitable laws and policies developed by central governments can enable local levels of government to provide incentives for sustainable resource management.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Egyptian Culture Reflected in Worship Essay -- Egypt

The Egyptian Culture Reflected in Worship Much of our knowledge about ancient Egyptian culture is based on elaborate worship rituals related to death and the afterlife. Egyptians were devoted to their gods and to their pharaohs who were gods on earth, as demonstrated by their willingness to build the pyramids for the safe passage of their leaders into the afterlife. Understanding the development of Egyptian society and their theological system requires a basic knowledge of the geography of the area. The Nile River Valley and Nile Delta, circa 4000-5000 BCE, was comprised of about 12,000 square miles of arable land. The villages and towns of ancient Egypt were found up and down the length of the Nile with most of the population living below the First Cataract (located approximately at present day Aswan). The Egyptians were accomplished farmers. They knew the Nile would flood each year and bring new life and abundant grain. The Nile's flooding was predictable and left rich new deposits of silt for new crops, making irrigation easy to plan. A basin irrigation system allowed the flood waters to flow gently into each field, cleansing and renewing the earth each year. The virtual isolation of the Nile Valley allowed Egyptian civilization to develop unthreatened by its neighbors. The Mediterranean Sea lay to the north, vast deserts were found to the east and west, and dense jungle lay to the south. An invader would have to be quite determined to brave the elements that protected the Nile Valley civilization. Since Egyptian civilization was a product, in many ways, of the natural forces that surrounded its people, the people looked to nature to explain the unexplainable. Egyptian gods were depicted as wise, caring, predicta... ...ring the shadow land that was the double of the Nile Delta. No famine or sorrows bothered him in this blessed afterlife. If his heart weighed too heavy, he would be thrown to the animal gods who tear him to shreds. The hieroglyphs left by the priests of ancient Egypt were meant to provide the dead with a guide to the afterlife, to instruct the Ka what it should do in every test as it navigated the after world. Those same hieroglyphs have done much more. They have provided present day scholars with an amazing record of a culture that existed thousands of years ago and some insight into the minds of the people who lived in that culture. Through those ancient writings we have come to know how the ancient Egyptians worshiped, how they viewed their leaders, how they thought they should relate to one another, and how they viewed their role in this life and the next one.

Monday, November 11, 2019

College Is It Worth It

? College – Is it Worth it? Right now in our society university education is no longer an option or privilege, but rather a necessity. We are practically raised and conditioned to believe that one needs higher education in order to succeed in life. There is a saying that says â€Å"if you think education is expensive, try ignorance. † But as technology is constantly advancing and computers are running almost anything, is a college education really necessary? There are people who have never set foot in a college and are doing better than people who have their master's degree. There are views from both sides that contain a valid argument. The main reason why people go to college is not because they want to but because they have to. Most 11th and 12th graders are pressured by their parents to go to college because it is â€Å"the right thing to do. â€Å"† In the essay that Caroline Bird wrote â€Å"College is a Waste of Time and Money†, she states that students go to college because † . . . Mother wanted them to go, or some other reason entirely irrelevant to the course of studies for which college is supposedly organized. The student may have different ideas about what he or she wants to do in life, but because they think that their parents know what is best for them, they probably end up doing something they do not want to do, resulting in being miserable and resentful. Let's face it, going to college is socially prestigious. Most people go to college only for the title of being called a college student. For some young people, it is a graceful way to get away from home and become independent without losing the financial support of their parents. They do not want to be looked down upon so they do what would look â€Å"best in the eyes of society†. It is practically beat into our heads that in order to be a respectable citizen of society, you should have some sort of university education. Being a college student is perhaps a more respectable role than being, for example, a clerk or a garbage man because of the negative connotations such jobs receive. Going to college and getting a degree does not necessarily guarantee that an individual is going to get a job right after graduation. It is hard out there for recent graduates to find a good job since there is so much competition due to the insanely increasing numbers of our population and a wildrace for the lions share in every field. Even if they do get a job, it is usually not in what they got their degree for. Many college students would feel that college is a waste of money because they do not learn what they want to. Instead they have to take classes that have close to nothing to do with their major but are only taking these classes in order to fulfill a general educational requirement. Upon graduation, some feel that they are at a disadvantage because more time could have been spent on learning more within their field of study and less on irrelevant materials. Now for the pros of having a professional college education. The major reason of going to college is, of course, to get a good job. College prepares us with academic knowledge in order to succeed in the future. According to Ernest Boyner higher education is essential for preparation for one's future. He states that: In spatial terms, teaching and learning may begin in a classroom, but course work also spills over into the life of the campus and the community. Students engage in experimential learning and co-curricular activities that take abstract ideas and anchor them in real-life problems. As the competition to get a decent job is increasing, it is close to impossible to obtain a high paying job without at least a bachelor's degree. Many jobs that only used to want their workers to have a high school diploma now require some college education due to their extremely complicated nature. Another way college is worth the money, however, is because it is one of the few institutions that often contains people of different ethnic and racial backgrounds. Such a situation allows one to develop their social and communicative skills because they are exposed to unfamiliar cultures. This is necessary for the fact that a person does not want to come across as ignorant towards a certain culture. This only, however, comes in handy when you are being educated abroad. College is like a stepping stone to becoming a responsible adult because for the first time most people are practically on their own (that would definitely include me). It is completely different from high school in that not only that school has to be dealt with, but you have to juggle your personal time and financial state as well. They go away to college and face circumstances that they would most likely come across when they finally do go on their own. Bills have to be paid, time has to be managed efficiently, and deadlines have to be met, just like in the â€Å"real world. † College is not only about getting a good job ‘but about acquiring knowledge and broadening one's horizon. A lot of courses that are at school are not needed for a certain major but are just there for interested people who want to learn more about a certain subject. Bowen explains this by breaking it down into three aspects: †¦ the specific goals for the education function are derived. This function†¦ is intended to help students develop as persons in three respects: cognitive learning, by expanding their knowledge and intellectual powers; affective development, by enhancing their moral, religious, and emotional interests and sensibilities; and practical competence, by improving their performance in citizenship, work, family life, consumer choice, health, and other practical affairs. It is sometimes just as good to be an intelligent person and know about a lot of things instead of being someone who makes a lot of money. My admission into an arts college after a lifetime of struggle of being an a-grade science student, had led me to seriously consider the complexity of this topic and what i have learned is that college definitely has its pros and cons. But I think that college is what you make of it. It can be the best time of your life, but only if you want it to. You can take the pessimistic view about it and think that college is a waste of money, or it can be looked at as a challenging and exciting new frontier that basically will set the precedent for the rest of your life. No matter what i learn in this environment that has been setup on an organised platform to produce strong and self assured individuls that will help make this deteriorating world a better place to live in ,even if we do'nt do it conciously, what I know for sure is that the education I recieve in this college will always be of invaluable worth once i step out in the ruthless fish-eat-fish world.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Tesco Understanding the economy and its effects on the business Essays

Tesco Understanding the economy and its effects on the business Essays Tesco Understanding the economy and its effects on the business Essay Tesco Understanding the economy and its effects on the business Essay During the recession, the demands for Tesco’s food and groceries has decreased because customers believed the price of these groceries to beyond their reach. Because of that, customer turned to more affordable retailers’ stores like the 99 pence shop or pondland. Tesco lost about 22 million customers to their groceries competitors which caused them to lose 2 to 3 per cent of their UK sales figures. They claimed that this lost was due to discounter brands. Tesco is also set to be cutting back on their electrical services to make space for other things †¦ this was due to a decrease in demand in that area of the business. This was due to the fact that people didn’t trust their brand enough to spend their money compared to other electrical brad like Sonny. The price of their electronic products was also a put off for customers who felt the pinch during the recession. The sales of their electrical products like CDs and DVDs went down because of the competition to companies like Amazon who are specialised in this area of electronics. This again was down to the trust of customers and the value for money offered. Amazon is a much more trusted brands for electronics like CDs and DVDs compared to Tesco so it makes more sense that most customers would shift to them for these kind of products Supply at Tesco PLC Supplies from Tesco diminished during the recession, Tesco supplied various produce and services from petrol services to things like stationaries for school. The supplies obviously changed during the recession compared to the way it was before. Tesco’s Supplies suffered Because of their prices, customers during the recession were after products that offered good value for money, cheap in a way. But because Tesco’s produces and services weren’t the at the price customer wanted, they switched to other suppliers Also another way these supplies changes was that Tesco only provided their supplies on demands because of the recession. Customers could not afford luxurious products or things they might not use a lot. Suppliers such as Tesco couldn’t produce too much or they were going to lose out on because of the lack of sales so suppliers would only produce according their demands How families might have been affected by the recession and fiscal and monetary policy measures put in place by the government during and after the recession (sheet 7) During the recession typical families have been affected by not being able to enjoy the luxury and things that are deemed not important enough. So instead of enjoying expensive holidays to other countries now and then people just stayed in the UK and go on family trips to places like haven. Some people starting cutting back on luxury stuff like expensive cars and switching to cheaper and stable cars in order to spend less Also most people during the recession were shopping around and to find the cheapest products and the one that offered good value for money. This cased businesses like Tesco to lose out to competitor such as Aldi who offered much cheaper products which fitted the pockets of customers The government took measures such as monetary and fiscal policies, the aims of these policies were to keep inflation levels as low as possible, maintain the positive growth of the economy (this is close to 2.5%). Also these policies aimed to provide full employment and reduce cyclical fluctuations in the economic cycle One of the key factors leading to the recession was increasing unemployment, as know unemployment is bad for the economy because it causes the government to spend more and reduces fund for other important things. In order to reduce unemployment in the future, the government raised the school leaving age from 16 years old to 18 years old. This was done because researches showed that people staying in school till 18 had more chance to earn money Global interaction and Tesco Tesco has benefited from international supply chains by expanding and dealing with many countries across the globe, the benefits of these trades is that it helped them provide their customers with varied range goods and good quality of food from various countries. For example benefits from their international supply chain by obtaining thing such as exotic products like mango, guava etc These are some of the product that consumers demand but be grown in the UK. Tesco and its customers can access these products thanks to the international supply chains and relationship they have with other countries. Tesco benefits from national supply chains by being able to access most a lot of brand within the UK such as â€Å"walker† and others. These are the type of food customer demands from Tesco and because of their national supply chain they can afford to satisfy these customers’ demands. From local supply chain Tesco has been able to provide quality fundamental food such as milk, meat and bread from local farms. Tesco uses this supply chains to provide quality local food that customers are expecting from them. Tesco being the biggest food retail in UK has expanded geographically in several new markets around the globe. Currently Tesco operates in 11 different countries in some of which they have obtained full ownership of business which means that they were fully allowed to establish themselves in these countries. In others not so much, Tesco wasn’t given full ownership in some of the countries where the currently operate but instead they were allowed to cooperate with other companies within these countries. For example in India, Tesco was given only part of an ownership which means they had to cooperate with another company if they wanted to stay and operate in India. Because growth of businesses in the UK are regulated is always regulated by the (CMA) for the benefits of consumers, other businesses and the economy, businesses like Tesco can’t go any bigger than they already are even if they wanted to. Du to this, businesses are forced to go compete in other countries where they can actually expand further and achieve their aims. By operating abroad, Tesco reduces the ability of the government to regulate them in ways like building more partnership to expand. Reference

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Critical Analysis of Diary of a Mad Black Woman Essays

Critical Analysis of Diary of a Mad Black Woman Essays Critical Analysis of Diary of a Mad Black Woman Paper Critical Analysis of Diary of a Mad Black Woman Paper Essay Topic: Black Boy Orlando The Heart Of a Woman Critical Analysis of the Movie: Diary of a Mad Black Woman Produced: 2005 Director: Darren Grant Producer: Tyler Perry Producer: Reuben Cannon Co-Producer: Mike Upton Executive Producer: Tyler Perry Executive Producer: John Dellaverson Line Producer: Joseph P. Genier Executive Producer: Michael Paseornek December 12, 2008 Sociology 100 Critical Analysis of the Movie: Diary of a Mad Black Woman Helen McCarterhas everything that she could possibly want in life: a huge house, lavish lifestyle and a very rich husband. The morning after attending an awards banquet where her husband (Charles McCarter) receives an award for the most outstanding lawyer of Atlanta, Helen awakes to her husband not in bed on their 18th wedding anniversary. She then goes to his office to surprise him with lunch but finds him there with another woman and two kids. Helen then arrives home with a U-Haul truck parked in her driveway. When Helen goes in the house she discovers a closet full of a new designer wardrobe that she believes is a surprise from Charles. But the new wardrobe is not the anniversary surprise that she was expecting. Charles comes home that evening to tell her that he is divorcing her for a younger woman and to be with his two sons. When Helen refuses to leave, Charles has to drag her out of the house and shut the door on her. Helen is left outside the door crying and is rescued by the U-Haul driver (Orlando) that she eventually throws out of the U-Haul truck. Helen then turns to her mother, grandmother (Madea) and her cousin (Brian) who take her in and help her put God back in her life. Helen learns how to stand on her own two feet for the first time in her life. When her husband is almost killed by a vengeful client, Helen is faced with the decision of having the heart to forgive him despite all the pain he has put her through. But after much thought, she decides to marry her boyfriend (Orlando).

Monday, November 4, 2019

Puigs kiss of the spider woman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Puigs kiss of the spider woman - Essay Example Evidence of Mestre's (Sara p78) prodigious imagination is ubiquitous in his unusual characters, in the many subplots, twists, turns and transformations (after inventing a powerful guava-based aphrodisiac, one character turns into a river fish and is promptly eaten by his cat), in the onion layering of folklore within tales within stories. His prose has an uncommon exuberance that captures the lushness of his tropical setting. On the other hand, this vitality frequently gives way to elaborate decoration that can obstruct the impetus of the insecurely structured plot, and the novel's big movements turn out to be obscured by its complicated details. This novel can be compared to the Cuba revolution for the reason that it is based in the Cuban revolution in addition to also highlights Castro Gays were despised in Cuba and Castro brought a reign of terror upon them. They were harassed, publicly ridiculed, forced from jobs, jailed, and beaten and, in 1965, they were labeled "counter revolutionary" rounded up and sent to forced labor camps. In 1980 hundreds of Cuban Gays were again labeled "counter-revolutionary," only this time they were thrown out of the country. After what they'd been through, getting thrown out of Cuba wasn't the worse thing that could happen. Puig's kiss of the spider woman Concerns the impact of the Cuban revolution on

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Health care marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Health care marketing - Essay Example only use products that appeal to me because of their quality, durability, and features that I value or I need rather than those that others value or need. The most popular mode of data collection in marketing is questionnaire. Using questionnaire as a means of data collection provides the researchers with the opportunity to collect data from the research participants without having to personally interact with every research participant individually, and collect the information, because interviewing is a very time consuming process and is governed by different kinds of biases. On the other hand, questionnaires can be easily filled by the research participants, particularly when they are brief and the statements are short and clear in their meaning. In marketing research, researchers can use a variety of questionnaires; audiences may be motivated to send answers to a particular email address in a lucky draw scheme advertised on television or the marketers can collect data by asking customers to fill questionnaires on

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Language Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Language Development - Essay Example involved in language development, role of education in facilitating language development, impact of brain Injury on loss of language, historical and contemporary theories of language learning, as well as the social influences on cognition and language in psychology. The significance and relevance of language as an inevitable means of communication has and continues to be a topic of interest facilitating widespread interest among researchers. Language pervades almost all essential human activities, from an infant’s initial conversations to activities requiring directing, expanding, and influencing actions, to amending information, generating awareness and stimulating emotions. In the field of education, language involves an additional element that of facilitating documentation of individual experience with a view to communicating and transforming such stored information to others. It also offers a source of reproducing such experience for developing new ideas and concepts which may be useful for facilitating enhanced communication of information and knowledge among individuals. In this sense, language development is essentially a fundamental medium of literature and linguistic studies. Language acquisition is essential for every human being in order to continue his/her life in a social set up. We acquire language through various types such as pre-schooling language education, schooling language education, social interaction, social influence, cultural settings and much more. The importance of language in our day to day activities cannot be negated as it is exclusively integral to our existence as a social being (Villers and Villers, 1978). Human beings start learning language from the day of their birth and continue learning till the end of their lives (Scovel, 1988). The process of language acquisition continues from the start to the end due to which, it can be said that education and instruction plays a crucial role in facilitating us with the knowledge of

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Home Front Letter Essay Example for Free

The Home Front Letter Essay How have you been? This War has everyone really going. The War will be over in a matter of months and our lives will back to normal. However, I am quite annoyed, just like most of my neighbours and colleagues, about the DORA. It has restricted the way we live. For example, we can no longer feed the dog. The news these days is just totally intolerable. Most of the news has to be censored, so how is one supposed to find out what is going on around the country. Those Germans are hated by every single Briton in this country. You should see some of the things they do. There are posters of Germans killing innocent babies and children for fun and raping women. It is just so inhuman. Recently, they have started sending in huge airships and bombing many of the large cities, including London. This has just got to end some time soon! My son, George, has also joined the army. My family and I are so proud of him. I feel that he will make a big difference to the war, just like the many other men that have joined. This whole war will blow over in the next few months. I dont think those Germans will last long at all. Take care of yourself. Yours sincerely, John.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson When a leading American Management consultant (Ken Blanchard) and a psychologist (Spencer Johnson) decided to get together to write a book on management the result could be a learner tome which is incomprehensible to many of those for whom its message is intended. Authors avoid the pitfall and have produced a simple complication of what they have learned how people work best with other people. Contrary to this idea that the age and services are the best possible qualification to manage the people, The One Minute Manager explodes the myth that the ability to manage ones own behavior and attitudes is an essential prerequisite to managing other people. The One Minute Manager provides Managers, an insight on how to be more effective in communication within their teams and with external interests. This book ensures that productivity (Quantity + Quality) of each individual as well as that of the organization increases multi folds if we make an organization people oriented rather than resul t oriented. People will feel good in People Oriented Organizations and ensure the involvement in the product / services they provide. Usefulness to intended audience: This book proved very useful in any area where one has to interact with peoples especially for the administration and H.R department of the any organization as it address the key areas where most of the managers and management of an organization lack. Managing people is a fun and this book provides an opportunity by motivating the intended audience in a very short, simple way to manage people in One Minute with specific examples from daily life. Simple and practical ideas may cause profaned difference on ones management skills. After reading this book one surely gets a chance to become an effective manager by adopting and practicing three secrets of The One Minute Manager. Introduction The Best Minute I Spend Is the One I Invest In People About book The One Minute Manager is one of the best selling business books of all time and still make appearance Amazons list of Best -Selling business books. Very busy people as its target audiences it is designed to be read quickly. This is the symbolic book. The One Minute Managers symbol-a one minute readout from the face of a modern digital watch- is intended to remind each of us to take a minute out of our day to look into the faces of the people whom we manage and to realize that they are our most important resources. An easily-read story, demonstrates three very practical management techniques. As the story unfolds, it discovers why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people. By the end of this one will also know how to apply them to ones own situation. Authors Dr. Kenneth Blanchard Dr. Kenneth Blanchard Chairman of Blanchard Training and Development, Inc. (BTD), is an internationally known author, educator and consultant/trainer. He is the co-author of the highly acclaimed and most widely used text on leadership and organization behavior, Management of Organization Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources, which is in its fourth edition and has been translated into numerous languages. Dr. Blanchard received his B. A. from Cornell University in Government and Philosophy, an M.A. from Colgate University in Sociology and Counseling and a Ph.D. from Cornell in Administration and Management. In addition, he is a member of the National Training Laboratories (NTL).He has extensive leadership experience as business executive and as a military officer. He has been a hands-on leader in a variety of organizations large and small. Most recently he was a human resources executive for a Fortune 100 company. His book Victory Principles, Leadership Lessons from D-Day illustrates seven bedrock leadership principles that all successful leaders use. He presently serves as a professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Books by author Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing the human resources (with Paul Hersey). Organizational Change through Effective Leadership: (with Robert H. Guest and Paul Hersey). The family game: a situational approach to effective parenting (with Paul Hersey). Putting the One Minute Manager to Work: (with Robert Lorber, Ph.D.) Dr. Spencer Johnson Dr Spencer Johnson is the Chairman of Candle Communications Corporation, and an active author, publisher, lecturer and communications consultant. He has written more than a dozen books dealing with medicine and psychology, and has over three million copies of his books in print. Dr. Johnsons education includes a degree in psychology from the University of Southern California, an M.D. degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and medical clerkships at Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic. Books by author The one minute father The one minute mother The precious present Who moved my cheese Summary of the book Overall story Authors Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson use a parable style story to describe the plight of a young manager who is not having success; however, he hears about a successful manager who is so effective that he has time to spare He wanted to work for one. He wanted to become one. He was beginning to see the full spectrum of how people manage people. But he wasnt always pleased with what he saw. He had spoken with many managers. He saw that some managers are interested in results and some are interested in people. Its like being half a manager, he thought. He might have given up his search long ago, but he had one great advantage. He knew exactly what he was looking for. Effective managers, he thought, manage themselves and the people they work with so that both the organization and the people profit from their presence. Then he began hearing marvelous stories about a special manager who lived, ironically, in a nearby town. The young manager calls him up to find out what he can learn, and the successful One Minute Manager shares with him three secrets to his success. The young man excitedly explores his three secrets and adopts these secrets and himself became famous as One Minute Manager. Key points: In the One Minute Manager, there are three types of managers. Autocratic Manager They are rigid demanding They are decision maker They are only interested in results. They always keep on top of the situation They are hard-nosed, profit minded individuals Their organizations seemed to win while they lose people Democratic Manager They are participative, supportive and nice individuals They want to be more close to their subordinates They give more importance to people than results They are friendly with staff They are trusting nurturing Effective Managers Effective managers, manage themselves and the people they work with so that both the people and the organization profit from their presence. Effective managers believe in that People Who Feel Good about Themselves Produce Good Results. The One Minute Manager doesnt make decisions for others; rather encourage them to take their own decisions. One Minute Manager: One minute manager is an effective manager who value people and take keen interest in the welfare of people or his staff. He doesnt believe in hiring the winners. He believes to train them and make them winners by themselves. He has three secrets of his One Minute Management which he shares with the young man (who came to him). These three secrets are: One Minute Goal setting One Minute Praising One Minute Reprimand The First Secret: ONE MINUTE GOALS Setting The foundation for One Minute Management 80-20 goal-setting rule Behavioral terms (observable, measurable) Versus Complaining (attitudes or feelings) Summary Agree on your goals. Write out each of your goals on a single sheet of paper using less than 250 words 80% of really important results will come from 20% of your goals. So its important to do One Minute Goal Setting on that 20%. Read and re-read each goal, which requires one minute or so each time when ones do it. See what good behavior looks like Take a minute every once in a while out of day to look at your performance, and see whether or not your behavior matches your goal. The Second Secret: One Minute Praising How to handle when people do well Try to catch them doing something right Crystal-clear feedback; Tell precisely what was right Close contact Habit: To catch yourself doing things right People who feel good about themselves produce good results Summary Tell people right from the start that you are going to let them know how they are doing. Praise people immediately. Dont wait for the praise discussion to praise them Tell people what they did right, be specific Tell people how good you feel about what they did right, and how it helps the organization and the other people who work there. Stop for a moment of silence to let them feel how good you feel. Encourage them to do more of the same Shake hands or touch people in a way that makes it clear that you support their success in the organization. The Third Secret: One Minute Reprimands How to handle when people make mistakes Reprimand as soon as something wrong is done Specify exactly what was wrong Dont attack anyone as a person Be consistent Summary: Two parts of one minute reprimand: The first half of the reprimand The second half of the reprimand The first half of the reprimand Reprimand people immediately Tell people what they did wrong be specific. Tell people how you feel about what they did wrong and in no uncertain terms. Stop for a few seconds of uncomfortable silence to let them feel how you feel The second half of the reprimand: Shake hands, or touch them in a way that lets them know your are honest on their side. Remind them how much you value them. Reaffirm that you think well of them but not of their performance in this situation Realize that when the reprimand is over, its over. Overall Game Plan of One Minute Manager: Analysis of Book The One Minute Manager: Its very important to analyze that how the content of this book is affecting the different aspects of intended audience. So in the analysis, focus will be on the good points of the content of the book. After knowing the three secrets of One Minute Manager its important to know how these secrets work and benefited the managers and everyone who manages the peoples. The One Minute Manager doesnt mean that One should do all work in One minute. This is allegory use for quick and clear response to people about their behavior. As a manager you have only three choices. First: You can hire winners, they are hard to find. For winners One Minute Goal Setting is enough for productive behavior. Because they are experts of their fields and they try to achieve according to their abilities. Second: If you cant hire the winners, hire someone who has potential of winners. For the people who have potential to win, One Minute praising is enough, as you praise them they get more motivated and feel good with themselves and next time they try to do it better. By doing one minute praising they become winners. Third: If you cant do above two choices, then you have only one choice, prayer. Why One Minute Goals Work: Every one is a potential winner Some People are disguised as Losers; dont let their Appearance fool you The pinball game Explanation: The One Minute Goal Setting work because of all the people in any organization is willing and motivated to do some thing and they become more motivated after work. Nobody ever work for anybody else. For example, if you are on the playing field and you are striking the ball to the pins. And when you strike, you started screaming and get more motivated to strike again. This is the same as we do the One Minute Goal Setting. When you know, what are you going to do and how then you are more confident about your task. And you are motivated to do it again until you become expert in striking the pins. You can analyze yourself by reviewing your goals. When you assume that people know whats expected from them, you are creating confusion and over-rating them. This happened all the time in our daily life, in our relations and doing our daily work routines. So One Minute Goal Setting is very important step in becoming the One Minute Manager. And when you feel that your performance is not up-to- the mark, go back to your goals and again spend One Minute to set your goal again. Why One Minute Praising Work: Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions People will go so far for money, however will go the Extra mile for praise and recognition Sea aquarium shows a huge whale jumping over a rope which is high above the water. Explanation: When the trainers captured the whale, the whale knew nothing about jumping over ropes. So when they began to train the whale in the large pool, they started the rope from the bottom of the pool. Every time the whale swam over the rope-which was every time he swam past-whale got fed. Soon, trainers raised the rope a little. If the whale swam under the rope, he didnt get fed during training. Whenever he swam over the rope, he got fed. So after a while the whale started swimming over the rope all of the time. Then they started raising the rope a little higher. But the question is why they raise the rope. Because they are clear on the goal: to have the whale jump high out of the water and over the rope. Over a time they keep on raising the rope until they finally get it to the surface of the water. Now the great whale knows that in order to get fed, he has to jump partially out of the water and over the rope. As soon as that goal is reached, they can start raising the rope h igher and higher out of the water. So for whales, to get food is One Minute Praising. And by jumping again and again the whale become expert for high dive. Catch freshers doing things right and slowly raise their bar This example illustrates that the most important thing in training someone to become a winner is to catch them doing something right. Slowly, you keep moving them towards the desired behavior. It can be done with childrens and as well as with new staff. Why One Minute Reprimands Work: We are not just our behaviors We are the persons managing our behaviors Monthly feedback Explanation: The feedback as One Minute Reprimand is very important. That is, you get to the individual as soon as you observe the misbehavior or your data information system tips you off. It is not appropriate to save up negative feelings about someones poor performance. The fact that the feedback is so immediate is an important lesson in why the One Minute Reprimand works so well. Most managers are gunnysack discipliners. That is, they store up observations of poor behavior and then some day when performance review comes or they are angry in general because the sack is so full, they charge in and dump everything on the table. They tell people all the things they have done wrong for the last few weeks or months or more. went on, and then the manager and subordinate usually end up yelling at each other about the facts or simply keeping quiet and resenting each other. The person receiving the feedback doesnt really hear what he or she has done wrong. After genuine reprimand a centric praise is needed So, One Minute Reprimand is very important because they are chances of improvement in their performances or people. The purpose of One Minute reprimand is to ensure the people that you want to eliminate the wrong behavior and keep the person. When the peoples know their value in an organization, they give their best to that organization and dont repeat the same behavior again. Reaffirm that you think well of them but not of their performance in this situation. Your intent is to get them back on course, not to try to make them feel badly. Behaviors are not important what is really important is the person managing their own behavior. To becoming One Minute Manager you have to be Tough and Nice manager rather than Nice and Tough manager Discussion: Now-days it is wrong with the most organizations that their people do not produce-either quality or quantity. And the main reason of this poor performance is simply because the peoples are not managed properly. The feeling of importance, psychologically satisfy peoples and motivates them to give the best. This One Minute Manager is very much similar to the theory of behaviorism (psychology), in which main focus on the change in the behaviors by setting task, praising the good and punishing/pointing the wrong behaviors. The One Minute Manager may help you to go beyond for better results, you will have to learn and use other beneficial habits as well. These are simple and easy-to-use basic management skills; however, many managers dont use them. Like any other skill, it takes practice in the beginning. Once you use these skills, then they will become second nature. If you are not using the One Minute Managers secrets, try them out and see how you can make them work for yourself and your team. If you do them well, you too can become an effective One Minute Manager. The One Minute Manager is a remarkably simple system to learn and apply and will help you improve employee performance. The One Minute Manager is a happy manager because of following reasons: Peace of Mind Reduce Stress Levels Increase Productivity Criticism of the Book One Minute Manager and Change: The rapidity of change that is taking place in the social, political and economics environment is creating a marked impact on organizations as well as individual. K.Harigopal One Minute Manager may be proved very effective at the time of change. No organization is stable today. Globalization makes the Business and organizations doubtful and undeceive. And the most effected part of any organizations due to change is the HR department. If there is any type of change weather it is a behavioral change, no matter its internal and external, rather to hire the people from outside to cope with change, managers should have vision of One Minute Manager. People are afraid and conscious about change. They dont tolerate any type of changes in their circumstances, so as a One Minute Manager you can manage your staff very simply by setting their goals and addressing their behavior. You can train staff and develop vision of change in them. Being a One Minute Manager you dont need to tell your staff to set one minute goal which is a very important target in any type of change in the organization. Similarly The One Minute Praising and The One Minute reprimand alerts people and motivate them to adopt and face the change. This book lacks one important point which is about managers him/her self. It is not possible that every time manager is right, his vision is broad and he understands each and every thing. He can make mistakes. So as managers, having powers you have to take right decisions at right times. This book deals with very simple approach to the complex art of managing people. There is much more to management than the one minute manager, depending on the culture and decorum of the organization.ÂÂ   You cant learn to manage people by reading a book but you can get an idea how to manage This book is full of implications for managers. But the focus has been on one minute. When every process is reduced to one minute, it leads to over simplification of the process which a manager has to undertake. It has ignored the dual role that a manager performs in structured organization where there are both subordinates and seniors. No doubt this is the effective book on One Minute Manager but it doesnt deal with the complexities of the organizations as the organizations and behaviors are more complex as discussed in this book. Key Message of the book Too many organizations leave employees uncertain over what is expected of them and provide little feedback until the annual review. At that time a series of criticisms are laid out with smattering the praise but neither the manager nor employee can remember the details. At other times, managers are quick to blame employees for things going wrong and will criticize in a way that leaves the employee resenting the way he or she has been treated by the manager. The One Minute Manager boils management down to three actions goal setting, praising and reprimands on the basis that clear objectives and quick, accurate feedback are the basis for improved performance. After reading the one minute manager you will not become a autocrat and democrat manager, but you try to become an effective manager. Conclusion An eye opener for many indeed A measurement of a good leader is ability to develop other leaders, not followers. In todays world, many new supervisors are thrust into a baptism by fire management environment. I found this book to be an easy to read and arm newcomers to management with the basic tools for building worker relationships and getting the best out of their staffs. As a result, their efforts are guided into decisions that generate increasingly positive outcomes in uncomfortable situations. Self confidence builds and leadership/management styles improve. This book talks of empowering people and giving them onus of their lives through applications of various principles of human relations and communications. It will make your feel that you are a better manager because you have become proactive rather than reactive. You are setting goals and providing quick feedback on performance whether good or bad. The secrets of one-minute management will help a manager boost profits and productivity immediately through increases employee morale, job satisfaction and manage people in time of change. Unlike most business books, this one is short and easy to read. The academic language has been banished, and it is well written. For any person who is currently a manager and striving to get the most from people, or who is planning to become one in the near future, The One Minute Manager is an indispensable success tool. After knowing the secrets of One Minute Manager; you can also become a One Minute Manager. Goals beings behaviors, consequences maintain behaviors Now you are a new One Minute Manager, You can set One Minute You can give One Minute Praising You can give One Minute Reprimands You can also speak the simple truth You can laugh and you can enjoy your work.